
Renata's Westward Movement

  • Renata leaves Russia and enters America

    Renata leaves Russia and enters America
    Renata Samylkina, her brother Misha, and her ferret Nikita leave the Russian territory and start their journey to America. Back in Russia, her family kicked her out with her brother because of their religious differences.
  • Renata arrives in America

    Renata arrives in America
    Renata and her party arrive in America wih all possesions intact. They manage to exchange their rubles for american money, and use this money to pay for an old tiny house.
  • Renata finds a low-paying job, but is able to support her brother and Nikita

    Renata finds a low-paying job, but is able to support her brother and Nikita
    Renata finds a job in the cotton industry, earning enough money to feed her group. Nikita and Misha stay at home to help out and clean.
  • Misha gets in a fight

    Misha gets in a fight
    Renata was demoted, giving her a lower pay. One snowy day, To help out, Misha left the house to look for a small job. Earning a few dollars in one job of his, he headed home. A group of delinquents saw this and they followed him and forcibly coaxed him into a dead end. Misha was badly beaten up and his money was taken from him. On her way hom, Renata passed this dead end and saw Misha in the alley, bruised and hurt. She quickly took him to the hospital.
  • Misha is ill

    Misha is ill
    The hospital bandages up Misha but he also contracted Pneumonia as he was in the snow for a extended period of time without proper protection. A German doctor, Kaizer Fuerst, agrees to care for Misha while Renata goes and tries to earn as much money as possible for treatment
  • Period: to

    Misha's hospital visit

    Misha's health deteriorates quickly, but Renata visits everyday to try to keep his hopes up. Kaizer monitors his status very often, doing what they can with Renata's money. Sadly, almost a week later, Misha passes away, leaving Renata by herself.
  • Kaizer asks Renata to move in

    Kaizer asks Renata to move in
    After having taken care of Misha and helping Renata, Kaizer asks her to move in with him. Renata hesitantly agrees and moves in, taking her few possesions. Although Kaizer was quite wealthy, Renata still kept her job, paying Kaizer once in a while for his hospitality.
  • Word of land in the west

    Word of land in the west
    Kaizer and Renata are now a couple, and they hear about the West. They start packing and agree to leave in three days.
  • Start their trip

    Start their trip
    Renata and Kaizer head off for the west, but Renata starts to become ill. Worried, Kaizer takes his medical equipment just in case.
  • Period: to

    Trip to the west

    Kaizer and Renata's trip
  • Renata gets worse

    Renata gets worse
    In the middle of their trip, the wagon's wheel breaks, causing them to stay in the town for a couple of days.Renata's illness gets worse, The wheel is fixed and they go on
  • Kaizer races for land

    Kaizer races for land
    While Renata is ill, and when they get to the west, Kaizer goes and takes one of the horses they own to race for land. He gets a good plot of land and Renata moves all their stuff in.
  • RIP Renata Samylkina

    RIP Renata Samylkina
    Renata dies of her cold, a day before her wedding. Kaizer goes on and worksin the medical industry, Nikita is his only reminder, but he goes on.