
  • Aug 22, 1485

    1485 Richard III is killed in battle

    1485 Richard III is killed in battle
    Richard III (2 October 1452 – 22 August 1485) was King of England from 1483 until his death in 1485, at the age of 32, in the Battle of Bosworth Field. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty
  • Aug 3, 1492

    1492 Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas

    1492 Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas
    Columbus led his three ships - the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria - out of the Spanish port of Palos on August 3, 1492. His objective was to sail west until he reached Asia (the Indies) where the riches of gold, pearls and spice awaited. His first stop was the Canary Islands where the lack of wind left his expedition becalmed until Septem
  • Nov 9, 1503

    1503 Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa

    1503 Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait of a woman by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci, which has been acclaimed as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world".
  • Nov 8, 1516

    1516 Thomas More’s Utopia is published

    1516 Thomas More’s Utopia is published
    Written in Latin for a European audience, More's Utopia is the quintessential humanist dialogue. First published in Louvain, Belgium, in 1516, Utopia was an immediate sensation. Set as a dialogue in Antwerp between More and a voyager returned from newly discovered lands, the complexity of the work ensured that it would have nearly as many interpretations as readers
  • Nov 9, 1543

    1543 With the Supremacy Act, Henry VIII proclaims himself head of Church of England

    1543 With the Supremacy Act, Henry VIII proclaims himself head of Church of England
    Supreme Head of the Church of England was a title held by the kings Henry VIII and Edward VI, signifying their leadership of the Church of England.The title was created for King Henry VIII, who was responsible for the English Catholic church breaking away from the authority of the Roman Catholic Church after the Pope excommunicated Henry in 1533 over his divorce from Catherine of Aragon
  • Nov 17, 1558

    1558 Elizabeth I becomes queen of England

    1558 Elizabeth I becomes queen of England
    Elizabeth Tudor became the Queen of England and Ireland on November 17, 1558 until her death on March 24, 1603. The reign of Queen Elizabeth I is often referred to as The Golden Age of English history. Elizabeth was an immensely popular Queen, and her popularity has waned little since the four hundred years after her death.
  • 1599 Globe Theatre is built in London

    1599 Globe Theatre is built in London
    The Globe Theatre was a theatre in London associated with William Shakespeare. It was built in 1599 by Shakespeare's playing company, the Lord Chamberlain's Men, on land owned by Thomas Brend and inherited by his son, Nicholas Brend and grandson Sir Matthew Brend, and was destroyed by fire on 29 June 1613
  • 1620 The Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts

    1620 The Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts
    Plymouth Rock is the traditional site of disembarkation of William Bradford and the Mayflower Pilgrims who founded Plymouth Colony in 1620. It is an important symbol in American history. There are no contemporaneous references to the Pilgrims' landing on a rock at Plymouth, and it is not referred to in Edward Winslow's Mourt's
  • The King James Bible, published in 1611, was England's

    The King James Bible, published in 1611, was England's
    The King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version or the King James Bible, is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England begun in 1604 and completed in 1611. The books of the King James Version
  • 1605-1606 Shakespeare writes King Lear and Macbeth

    1605-1606 Shakespeare writes King Lear and Macbeth
    is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, thought to have been first performed in 1606.[1] It dramatises the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition on those who seek power for its own sake. Of all the plays that Shakespeare wrote during the reign of James I, who was patron of Shakespeare's acting company, Macbeth most clearly reflects the playwright's relationship with his sovereign
  • 1607 First permanent English settlement in North America is established at Jamestown, Virginia.

    1607 First permanent English settlement in North America is established at Jamestown, Virginia.
    The Virginia Company of England made a daring proposition: sail to the new, mysterious land, which they called Virginia in honor of Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen, and begin a settlement. They established Jamestown, Virginia, on May 14, 1607, the first permanent British settlement in North America.
  • 1609 Shakespeare’s sonnets are published

    1609 Shakespeare’s sonnets are published
    Shakespeare's Sonnets is the title of a collection of 154 sonnets by William Shakespeare, which covers themes such as the passage of time, love, beauty and mortality. ... The sonnets were first published in a 1609 quarto with the full stylised title: SHAKE-SPEARES
  • 1564 William Shakespeare, the Bard of Avon, is born

    1564 William Shakespeare, the Bard of Avon, is born
    William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet, and the "Bard of Avon
  • 1621 Newspapers are first published in London

    1621 Newspapers are first published in London
    Corante: or, Newes from Italy, Germany, Hungarie, Spaine and FranceOffsite Link was published by the printer Nathaniel ButterOffsite Link in London. The earliest of the seven surviving copies is dated September 24, 1621, but it is thought that this single page news sheet began publication earlier in 1621.
  • c.1658 John Milton begins Paradise Lost

    c.1658 John Milton begins Paradise Lost
    Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. The first version, published in 1667, consisted of ten books with over ten thousand lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674
  • 1660 Puritan Commonwealth ends; monarchy is restored with Charles II

    1660 Puritan Commonwealth ends; monarchy is restored with Charles II
    The Restoration of the English monarchy began in 1660 when the English, Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under Charles II after the Interregnum that followed the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
  • 1611 King James Bible is published

    1611 King James Bible is published
    The King James Bible, published in 1611, was England's authorized version of the Bible translated from the original Hebrew and Greek languages into English at the request of King James I of England.