Jan 1, 1300
This picture shows the picture of clocks in the renaissance. It was very big, not like the clocks we have now. Clocks were made in the 1300.
The clock was invented in the 1300 in the renaissance period. Clocks tell us the time; hour, minutes, and in seconds. Clocks are an example of human ingenuity because in the renaissance time, they couldn't tell time accurately. important meeting, going to school, have a healthy diet and etc. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Renaissance Time Line
Dec 18, 1300
Clocks Part ll
I think the inventions of clock are significant because without clocks we will not be able to tell time. Without being able to tell time we won’t be able to be on time when we are going to an -
Dec 10, 1310
Eye Glass
Caption: This is a picture of the eye glass for short sighted people. As you can see this man is using the eye glass for reading.
Far sighted glasses were invented first and later on near-sightedness were invented. Eye glasses are lenses for bad eye sighted people to use so they can see much more clearly. Eye glasses are an example of human ingenuity because before people couldn't see things that were far away and some people could read anything because they were near sighted. -
Dec 16, 1310
Eye Glass Part ll
I think eye glasses are significant today because people with really bad eye sights can see things clearly which makes their lives much easier. For example if you are a student in school and you have a really bad eye sight and you can't read the bored from the back seat you can use eye glasses to help you read the board without having to come up the board to have a closer look. -
Dec 10, 1436
Printing Press
This is a picture of the printing press. As you can see they use to be made out of wood. It was not as fast as the printing machines we have now.
The printing press was made by a German, Johannes Gutenberg in 1436. Printing presses are something that could copy paper for you. For example books. Printing press is an example of human ingenuity because in the past if we wanted to copy a book monks had to copy it down by hand. -
Dec 16, 1436
Printing Press Part ll
I think it's a significant invention because it has made our life now much easier. It has made our life easier because we don't need to copy anything down by hand. Books could be printed in greater speed and with less effort. (This also made books less expensive.) -
Oct 18, 1446
Filippo Brunelleschi Part ll
I think Filippo Brunelleschi's linear perspective is significant because people like engineers can use it to create inventions. -
Oct 18, 1446
Filippo Brunelleschi
One of the foremost engineer and architects of the Italian Renaissance.
He was most famous for linear perspective which was used in the dome of Florence Cathedral. Linear perspective gave depth to flat surface. This is an example of human ingenuity because it can be used in engineering. Drawing in linear perspective is much more effective when we are inventing things. Also with linear perspective drawings, we can see how the past was like by observing it. -
Oct 9, 1500
The Musket
This is a picture of a musket. It use to be very big and heavy to carry.
Muskets were the first rifle soldiers could carry into battle. It could fire a metal ball that could kill or hurt someone seriously. This is an example of human ingenuity because people needed something fast that could hurt the opponent to win wars. -
Oct 16, 1500
The Musket Part ll
I think this is significant today because people can use it for a defensive tool. Without muskets the army would probably fail to protect its country and the people in the country. -
Oct 14, 1543
Andreas Vesalius
A picture of ANdreas Vealius
Andreas Vesalius wrote the first major book about anatomy. It was highly illustrated in medical text where the drawings showed the human body in detail than ever before. He is an example of human ingenuity because he helped establish surgery as a separate medical profession. His illustration of human body inside has allowed doctors to do accurate surgeries which have helped many people with problems in their body. -
Oct 16, 1543
Andreas Vesalius Part ll
I think his discovery was significant because without it we wouldn't have as good surgery and won't be able to cure many people. -
Oct 17, 1549
Francisco Zabiel (Japan)
This is a picture of Francisco in the church.
Francisco Zabiel was the first to introduce Christianity to Japan in 1549. This was the beginning of Japanese Christians. Francisco Zabiel is an example of human ingenuity because without him the range of Christianity will be smaller. Also there would have been no one from Japan who believed in Christian. I think he is significant because there are still a lot of Christians in Japan. -
Flush Toilet
Flush toilets in the renaissance.
The flush toilet was invented by Sir John Harington. In the renaissance time people called the flush toilet "the water closet". Flush toilets are used to flush down all the human waste. This is an example of human ingenuity because it has helped sanitation. Also people don't need to go outside of the house all the way to a place to do their business. This is a significant invention because people can pee and poo in their houses. -
This is a picture of the thermometer we have now. These we use for when we measure our body temperature.
Galileo allowed the temperature variations to be measured but Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the first mercury thermometer in 1714. Thermometers could measure the temperature. I think this is an example of human ingenuity because now that we can measure temperatures we can cook accurately, measure the weather, measure our body temperature etc. -
Thermometer Part ll
I think it is significant invention of sceince because we use it in our daily life like in science class, cooking, etc. -
Ambrolse Pare
A drawing of Ambrolse Pare when he was a doctor.
Ambrolse was a surgeon who helped the injured soldiers in the French army. Oil for wounds to help soldiers stop bleeding ran out so he made dressing of egg whites, oil of roses and turpentine to use in the wounds. I think his medical treatment is an example of human ingenuity because he has helped many soldiers in the French army to live with he own method of wound treatment. -
Ambroise Paré Part ll
He is a significant man because he has created a new way for people to survive. -
The picture of telescope. It could be used to explore out of space.
Galileo used lenses to make an astronomical telescope to look at the stars and planets. Isaac Newton made the first reflecting telescope in 1668. Lenses are used to look at something much more closely. I think this is an example of human ingenuity because people were able to prove their thinking using this tool. For example Galileo used this tool to prove how the world revolves around the sun. -
Lenses Part ll
I think it is a significant invention because telescopes and microscopes can be used to gain us more knowledge or prove our point in chemistry, science, and other subjects. -
Circulation of Blood
Picture of how blood runs throught the body.
William Harvey discovered about circulation of blood in human body. He found out that there was a fixed amount of blood and the heart pumped the blood to circulate through the body. I think circulation of blood is an example of human ingenuity because you can save many peoples life by knowing how it works. For example you can donate blood for people who need it. -
Blood Circulation Part ll
I think this is a significant discovery because some doctors use this information to do surgeries and you can create vaccines for it. -
Adding Machine
Picture of how adding machines looked like before. There are buttons you can press on and calculates for you.
French scientist, Blaise Pascal invented the first digital calculator. Adding machines are calculators which calculate math for you. I think this is an example of human ingenuity because when people needed to calculate hard math quickly people could use adding machines and find out the answer without having to use much effort. -
Adding Matchine Part ll
I think this is a significant invention because it has helped and still is helping a lot of people for example cashier, mathematicians, banks, etc.