Renaissance & Reformation

  • Feb 12, 1220

    scientific method

    scientific method
    Robert Grosseteste the person the made the rudimentals of the scientific method . he also proved it.
  • Feb 12, 1301

    Papal Schism

    Papal Schism
    In 1301, the king tried to tax the french clergy.
    The pope threatened to excommunicate the king and so was arrested then returned later.
  • Feb 12, 1323

    La Pléiade

    La Pléiade
    The name "Pléiade" was also adopted in 1323 by a group of fourteen poets seven men and seven women. Name was adpoted.
  • Feb 12, 1324

    holy cross day

    holy cross day
    The Consistori del Gay Saber, founded in year in Toulouse to revive and perpetuate the lyric poetry of the Old Occitan troubadors, holds its first contest wins the violeta d'or
  • Feb 12, 1368

    good friday

    good friday
    Tuscan writer Petrarch sees a woman he names Laura in the church of Sainte-Claire d'Avignon He writes a series of sonnets and other poems in Italian dedicated to her up to about 1368,
  • Feb 12, 1400


    Trade Centers was: Florence, Venice, East Asia.
  • Feb 12, 1400

    Social Classes

    Social Classes
    Peasants: 85-90% of total population. they do thw jobs that dont pay so much all the others that are not peasants treat them like they arenot there.
  • Feb 12, 1400


    Is the idea that was based on secularism or the concept that people should look to other parts of the world for ithe way the world is. Inspiration, rather than be compartmentalizing different places in the world.
  • Feb 12, 1400

    Filippo Brunelleschi

    Filippo Brunelleschi
    He was inspired by buildings in Rome. he learned how the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence, Italy after discovering how to build a dome structure.
  • Feb 12, 1400


    he studied greeks and Romans. made the free-standing figure of Saint George.
  • Feb 12, 1410

    Oil Paints

    Oil Paints
    Made in 1410. Oil Paint had replaced tempra and fresco for painting. Jan Eyck made the first oil paint by mixing walnut oil with pigments. The oil paints had many qualities including its slow drying time, it's translucency, the pigments didn't need a varnish got in slides
  • Feb 12, 1500


    He dissected human bodies to better understand how they work. He did some painting that we learn about today.
  • Feb 12, 1500

    society of the patrons

    society of the patrons
    They are really smart delvoped in art and had alot of money. they are the reason we had a lot of art in the 15th century .
  • Feb 12, 1516

    Man in the red cap

    Man in the red cap
    made in the the 1516 by Titien. it was a painting of a man in a red
  • Feb 12, 1521


    Pope Leo X demanded that Luther recant 41 of his Ninety-Five Theses. after all said and done he got kicked out.
  • Feb 12, 1560


    The man was the leader or center of the family.The man made all the money the women had no share in making it.
  • Feb 12, 1570


    followers disagreed with many of the teachings .rejected the authoriy of the church councils and the pope.
  • Feb 12, 1570

    A New Church

    A New Church
    Luther was starting to get alot of followers.His supporters began to organize a new christian denomintions..Several german princes supported Luther.
  • Feb 12, 1570


    he Church raised money through practices like simony so you can be removed of all sins and go to haven or send someone to haven,
  • Feb 12, 1570

    Buying Indulgences

    Buying Indulgences
    you didnt go to hell. you went to haven. got all sins removed.o not go to purgatory ot got thought it fast.
  • planetary motion

    planetary motion
    Johannes Kepler:found out the first two laws of planetary motion.
  • plants are cells

    plants are cells
    Matthias Schleiden all plants are made of cells because everything is made of cells.
  • matches

    make in 1860. it looked like a stick with oil on it. got on slides
  • printing press

    printing press
    it was use to praint books and stuff. it was used in the 15TH century. got on slides