Renaissance England, Italy and France (1500-1800)

  • 1564

    Christopher Marlowe

    Christopher Marlowe
    Christopher Marlowe was famous for the plays he wrote about morality. He also wrote plays about earlier Medieval Periods in England. One of Marlowes famous writes is a version of Doctor Faustus. This is a German morality tale.
  • 1576

    The Theatre

    The Theatre
    'The Theatre' was the first theater built in Britain, it was in Finsbury Fields, London. The theater was constructed by Leicesters's men. They were an acting group formed from some members of the Earl of Leicester's household. After 'The Theatre' was built many more were soon to follow.
  • Teatro Olimpico Built

    Teatro Olimpico Built
    The Teatro Olympic was built in 1584 in Vicenza, Italy. This theatre is one of the oldest Italian Renaissance theaters still standing. It was designed and modeled around Roman theaters. This theater was built using a perspective scenery. This gives the illusion of depth and distance.
  • Opera Today

    Opera Today
    Jacopo Peri's Dafne was the the first artist to create musical theatre. We now call this opera. A little later around 1607 Claudio Monteverdi's Orfeo topped Peri's work by having the first performance that the audience was able to hear. Both of the artist were from Italy.
  • William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    William Shakespeare is very famous for his impactful plays that he has written. Before Shakespeare was a writer he was an actor. But his two jobs did overlap sometimes as he wrote and acted. Shakespeare was an English play writer. He showed new ideas and thoughts to humanism.
  • Teatro Farnese

    Teatro Farnese
    Teatro Farnese was built in 1618 in Parma, Italy. This theater was the first to have Proscenium Arch. The theater was built to have space for some audience who could afford to stand and watch the play but to sit. The decorations are like Roman style.
  • Pierre De Marivaux

    Pierre De Marivaux
    Marivaux was very popular for his plays that reflected sensitivity and sophistication. He inspired the term marivaudage which stands for reflecting the sensitivity and sophistication era in writing.
  • La Fenice

    La Fenice
    La Fenice also known as Venice Opera House was built in 1792. It was built in Venice, Italy. La Fenice was built mainly for a popular genre of Opera. They uses galleries and Box seating instead of benches. the theater was built in a horseshoe shape.
  • Censor of Victor Hugo

    Censor of Victor Hugo
    Victor Hugos play Marinon Delorme was banned. It was banned for presenting Louis XIII as weak and cruel.
  • Victor Hugo

    Victor Hugo
    In 1830 Victor Hugo set one of them most important events in French. This was known as 'the triumph of Romanticism.' This caused many problems, people did not like his plays and would often interrupt them and cause a scene.