Feb 26, 1564
Christopher Marlowe is born.
Apr 23, 1564
William Shakespeare is born.
Feb 25, 1570
Regnans in Excelsis
The Catholic Church declared Queen Elizabeth I a heretic thus excommunicating her and any that obeyed her orders. -
Aug 24, 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Targeted assassinations against the Huguenots during the French Wars of Religion. -
Dec 13, 1577
Sir Francis Drake's Circumnavigation
Sir Francis Drake began his sail with five different vessels on December 13, 1577. Only one of the five made it to the end. -
Mary Queen of Scots is executed at the Tower of London after being implicated in the Babington Plot. -
First Colony in the New World
The Roanoke Colony, also known as the Lost Colony, was established by Sir Walter Raleigh. -
Queen Elizabeth I dies at 69.
After her death, James VI of Scotland becomes King James I of England. -
Globe Theater Burnt Down
During performance of Shakespeare's "Henry VIII", a staged canon fire ignited a fire and burned down the Globe Theater to the ground. -
William Shakespeare dies at 52.
King James I dies.
He is then succeeded by King Charles I. -
Thomas Dekker dies at 60.
Ben Jonson dies at 65.
English Civil War commences.
Theater Closure
The Puritan parliament orders a ban on theaters and closes all of the playhouses.