Free clause exercise
The free exercise clause was added as part of the first amendment -
Religious revival
Anti-evolutionist League
people gather and have a convention to strive towards teachers to stop teaching evolution -
Extended the clause
The court extended the clause to which its terms only constrains the federal government -
Supreme court changed the course again
Changed the clause again -
Reinstatment of the RFRA
congress voted to reinstate the RFRA.Authorizes the courts to exempt a person from any law that imposes on sincere religous beliefs of actions -
Constitutional authority
Supreme court held that congress had constitutuional authority only to apple RFRA to federal laws, and not to state or local laws. -
Abetcrombie case
Abercrombie prohibits people to wear certain clothing items based on their relgion -
Hobby Lobby v. Burwell
supreme court rejects contraceptives mandate for some coorporations