Aboriginal Spirituality with Land
Period: 100 to
Relgion events in Australia
Christianity brought through the arrival of the first fleet
Influx of Jewish miners
they intially settled in rural areas but the fear of assimilation caused most of them to move to live in the city. This meant the community of Sydney needed larger facilities and it lead to the great synagogue being built -
Laws in Australia based around religions
Australian governemnt writes laws in the Australian Constitution stating that "no law should be written against a relgion, or against the free expression of a religion -
Christianity becomes the most practised religion
Christianity is the dominant religous practise in Austrlaia, due to the large number of European migrants wanting to re-establish their lives after WW2. -
Influx of Vietnamese
After the vietnam war there was an influx of Vietnames migrants. They were mainly catholics. -
Aborigional citizens
Aborigional people are recognised as citizens of Australia and are counted as people in the census. -
Rise in Christian religions
Another major rise in Christian relgions due to the migration of people from Africa, Europe and New Zealand. -
Increase in followers of Islam
Inrease rise in followers in Islam mainly due to students rom Asiia traveling to Australia to study at universities and a growing number of people wanting to follow more organised religions.