Landed in Massachusetts aboard the Mayflower, this colony was based on religion
The only people who could hold office were those who were high in church
John Brown and his Bible when he started the Civil War, they went into war with their bibles in one hand and a musket in the other
Religious Revival celebrating a Mass in an Army camp
Missionaries were educating the filipinos in the American tradition while incoroporating the bible
Anti-Evolution league- didn't want schools to teach evolution because it went against their religion
Supreme Court ruled that no one can be forced to say the pledge
Torcaso wanted to become notary public In Maryland and to do that, he had to declare that he believed in God
He was an atheist and as an atheist, he was to declare that he believed in God which he did not want to do. -
Supreme Court ruled that states could not have a "religious test" for public office.
Students have the right to pray at school, but officials cannot sponsor religious activites
Civil Rights Act does not allow religious discriminant against those applying for a job in public.
Abcrombie discriminated agains a muslim worker because they would not take their head wear off when it was a part of her religion
Hobby Lobby refused to pay for insurance for contraceptives because it went against their religion
Maryland and Six other states still have language in their state constitutons that don't allow people who don't believe in God to hold public office