St Vincent de Paul
St Vincent de Paul dedicated his life to providing for the poor and homeless. Fredric Ozanam created a shop and named it after St Vincent de Paul which is still open to this day when may people donate clothes, toys, books, etc. Sells them for a more reasonable and affordable price. -
Nano Nagle
Nano Nagle was named “Lady of the Lantern” as one of her biggest dedications and achievements was carrying a lantern through cork city to guide the sick, homeless, and elderly. Not long after Nano decided to visit the elderly and sick, bring them food, and comfort, blankets, medicine whatever they needed she was there to lend a helping to anyone who needed it. She is a very inspiring person to me as she did so much for the people she knew as strangers to her to indulge kindness to the world. -
Edmund Rice
Edmund rice established the congregation of Christian brother which was a school for poor boys to finally get an education. -
Elizabeth Seton
Elizabeth Seton is a religious sister. She is known for establishing the first catholic school/schools in the US. She dedicated her life to educating the poor, helping the sick, and feeding and clothing orphan's. She later on founded the Sisters of Charity of St. Josephs. -
Catherine McAuley
Catherine McAuley dedicated her life to helping women and contributing to the community and speaking up about women's rights. In 1827 Catherine decided she would open a house of mercy as she liked to call it, where it was used to educate poor women. -
Mary MacKillop
Mary MacKillop strived to provide education to the poor and feed and care for those who need it.