Saint Vincent De Paul Ordained
in 1600 Saint Vincent De Paul was ordained. He became a priest to share his ambitions for the world and society -
Saint Vincent De Paul began his preaching missions
In 1622 Saint Vincent De Paul began his missions in which he preached the hopes and views of God to slaves in order to provide them with a sense of hope. -
Saint Vincent De Paul founded a missionary society
In 1625 Saint Vincent De Paul founded a society of missionary priests, this was so they could work together collectively on their missions more easily. They later became known as the Vincentians -
Nano Nagle established her first school
This school was for all the poor and was targeted towards girls education, it was located in Cork, Ireland -
Ursuline Sisters move to Ireland
Nano Nagle encouraged the order of nuns that she was a part of, The Ursuline Sisters, to move to Cork, Ireland. This was so Nano Nagle could be more active in the school she had previously formed. -
Nano Nagle formed her own order
Nano Nagle's order was more community-involved than the one she was apart of at the time. She new if she stayed where she was she would be unable to make changes within the community. therefore she formed The Sisters of Charitable Instruction of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. -
Edmund Rice and Nano Nagle worked together
Edmund Rice was very inspired by Nano Nagle's work and he supported her journey to form schools for the poor from 1797 onward. -
Edmund Rice founded his order
The Congregation of Christian Brothers -
Elizabeth Seton established her first school
Elizabeth established the first Catholic school in the United States of America, it was a school for girls and drew people from all over the US to encourage and be involved in her work. Baltimore, Maryland. -
Edmund rice formed a new order
Edmund had already formed an order but after seeing more of Nano Nagle's work he decided to form another one the Brothers of Presentation, inspired by Nano Nagle's Sisters of Presentation. -
Elizabeth Seton formed her order
In July of 1809 Elizabeth Seton and the women who had encouraged her work moved to Emmitsburg, Maryland when she formally formed her order, The Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph. -
House of Mercy established - Catherine McAuley
Catherine McAuley established a support house for women known as the House of Mercy. The house gave women access to education, food, shelter and healthcare. It was designed to equip women who were poor and struggling with the skills to go out in the world and make a life for themselves. -
Catherine McAuley's work was formalised as an order
Catherine McAuley was hesitant to formalise her work but it was necessary to become recognised as the leader she was becoming. Therefore Catherine formed the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland -
Mary MacKillop opened her first school
With the help of Father Julian Tenison-Woods Mary MacKillop was able to form a school in South Australia for the poor as she believed that everyone has a right to education. This received backlash but ultimately was successful. -
Mary Mackillop founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph
Mary Mackillop, with the assistance of Fr. Tenison-Woods, founded Australia's first order, the Sisters of Saint Joseph or the Sacred Heart.