Religioius Influence on Colonization

  • Free excersize Clause

  • Religious Revival

  • Philipinos and American tradition

  • Scopes Trail

    The Scopes Trial was a trail of Relgion vs. Science
  • Court Shifted

    Now the Clause protects a right of religious believers to exemption from generallt applicable laws which burden religious exersize
  • Court changes tides again

    The clause does not relieve an individual of the obligation to comply with a valid and neutral law of general applicablitly on the ground that the law prescribes conduct that his religion proscribes
  • Hobby Lobby

    woman expected Hobby Lobby to pay for contraceptives, but hobby lobby, a family owned business, didnt want to because of thier religious beliefs
  • Abercrombie Court case

    A muslim teenager applied for a job at abercrombi and was denied because of the Hijab she was wearing
  • Court extension of Free Excersize Clause

    Constrains only the Federal Government to limit sate laws and other state actions that burden religious exercize.