Jan 13, 1493
Columbus land in the "New World"
Columbus proves that the world is round
opens up for more European exploration including England -
Settlers arrive at Roanoke Island
-Present day North Carolina
-Nicknamed the "The lost Colony"
-first to settle - believed to have been killed by Croatan Indians -
Jamestown Established
First settlement in the new world
Virginia Company Explorers found this
Huge Tobacco export -
Mayflower Compact
first governing documents of the plymouth colony
writen by separatists -
John Winthrop's "City Upon a Hill" speech
Very Inspirational speech given by the first governer of Mass.
It elaborates on how they are free from the religious persecution
Given when the settlers first arrive -
Pequot War
Between the Massacusetts Bay Colony and the Pequot Indian Tribe
Pequots began to raid the towns
Colonists retaliated as a result almost wiped out the whole tribe -
Anne Hutchinson is kicked out of Massacusetts Bay Colony
She had different views of the Bible and disagreed with Puritan law therefore the lawmakers banished her from Massacusetts -
Bacons Rebellion
A rebllion in 1676, led by Nathaniel Bacon against William Berkley's rule. It was the rebellion in the new colony. -
Salem Witch Trials
Women were accused of committing witch craft in Salem, Massacusetts.
Some believe the women acted this way because of the wheat that was being grown near by
Many women were killed as a result of this -
Benjamin Franklin born
Jonathon Edwards delivers "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon
Preached about the horrors of Hell and the dangers of Sin.
This was the beginning of the Great Awakening and showed a glimpse of it -
Period: to
French and Indian War
Seven year conflict between Britian and France, the French had few soldiers, and used the Indians as allies. This war erupted over disputed claims by the England/France to the ohio river valley -
Treaty of Paris
signed in February 1763 by the Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement, after Britain's victory over France and Spain during the Seven Years' War. -
Proclamation of 1763
Britain creates Proclamation of 1763 to address Indian/Colonsit conflict. They Draw a line thru the Appalachian mountains and say that colonsits cannot go west of the line- so they can no longer expand. The settlers don't listen because there is no protection against the Indians past the line. -
Sugar act
Parliament put an import duty (tarrif) on sugar and molassis, making it hard for the colonist to sell rum, because they had to compete against the French, who did not have duties on sugar -
Sugar Act
Decrease on malasis to encourage the end of smuggling. Tax other items to make up for it. Was the first time they have institued tax to increase revenue. -
Stamp Act
Direct tax on the colonies that required many printed materials in the colonies to be produced on stamped paper. This paper was produced in London with the stamp on it -
Quartering Act
Parliment passed this act, requireing colonist to meet the needs of Brithish soldiers. In return they were given protection from the French and Indians. The act required the colonist to house and feed the soldiers. -
Stamp Act
Sugar Act not making enough money so the Stamp Act is passed which states that a stamp is needed for everything that is printed such as newspapers, diplomas, pamplet, playing cards, document, etc. People are very angry at this tax -
Quartering Act
Citizens have to come up with how to house soldiers. Must provide food and shelter for them. Really only occurs in New York because there are forts elsewhere -
Townshend Act
Revenue act passed to pay for governors and judges that were stationed within the colonies -
Townshend Acts
New York cannot meet (legislature, assmebly) until they follow the Quartering Act. New York does comply with the Townshend Acts whcih shows that they are not ready for independence because they will comply -
Boston Massacre
British soldiers were being harrased in the streets of Boston, they began to fire on the crowd, killing five and injuring many more -
Boston Tea Party
rebelling the tax on tea, Protesters dressed as Indians then boarded a ship in the Boston Harbor, then dumping the tea on the ship into the water -
1st Continental Congress
Twelve Colonies(not including Goergia) sent representatives to meet in Philidelphia in response to the Coercive acts of 1774 -
Intolerable/ Coercive Acts
Four seperate acts passed in Parliment to gain greater control of the colonist. It closed the port of Boston, until they were repaid for the tea that was destroyed. -
Olive Branch Petition
An attempt to avoid war between the thirteen colonies and Britian. Petition to avoid war -
Common Sense
Writings that inspired colonist to fight for, and achieve independence from Britian, wirtten by Thomas Payne -
Lexington and Concord
British troops and American Malitia exchaned gun-fire in the frst battle of the Revolutionary war -
2nd Continental Congress
Convention of delegates from the thirteen, meeting in Philidelphia, attempting to maintain the new war effort -
Battle of Bunker Hill
The British were trying to take over a strategic positon at Bunker Hill which over looked Boston. It took the British Three attacks to defeat the colonists defended the bunker until they ran out of ammo -
Declaration Of Independence
A document addopted by the continental congress that announced the colonies independence from Britian -
Battle of Saratoga
Regarded as a turning point in the war. British were trying to devide New England from southern colonies. The British were surrounded by Americans, bringing the French into the war as our allies -
Surrender at Yorktown
Last major Battle of the Revolutionary war. Washington's soldiers defeated Cornwallace's troops were surrounded and defeated in Yorktown prompting the British Government to negotiate the end of the war -
Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation were created by the Continental Congress in 1781 and legalized the status quo or a "writing of whats in place". There is a weak central government and no national currency. Congress is very weak and there is only one branch of government. They also state that 9 states are needed to agree for anything and the lack of taxes results in no money. -
Treaty of Paris
Ended the Revolutionary war between Britian and the United States. -
Land Ordinance of 1785
The land ordinance of 1785 was created to populate land and to make money populating the land. Land Surveyers divided the land into 36 square mile townships equally with 1 square mile for each township. The government then sold the townships to create revenue. The 16th square was reserved for schools and other educational purposes. -
Shays' Rebellion
Daniel Shay and many farmers attacked courts and the government because they were unhappy with taxes and debt which led to them losing their land and being put in debters prison. They attacked the courts so that they couldn't auction off farmers land. Militia was needed to stop this uproar, however, they couldn't afford to pay the militia so private citizens have to pay them. This highlights how bad the articles of confederation are and is a major step towards leaders revising the Articles. -
Alexandor Hamilton lives
Served as secreatry of treasury in George Washington's cabinet. Hamilton was poor as a child and family members got him to New York for an education. He wanted to raise revenue, wanted a capitalism (to tax people based on private ownership), wanted entrepenuers to create industries and to stop sending to british, instead manufacture ourselves. Wants to go into debt that tax revenue will pay off so nation has credit. Hamilton also wants a National bank with currency, He was killed by Burr in duel -
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Divide the townships into 3 to 5 terriotires. If 5,000 free men in territories, than you get to elect legislature. 60,000 people and you can apply to be state and start consitution. It also stated that each new state is equal to the other 13 states -
Constitutional Convention
Took place in Pennsylvania to revise the articles of confederation. However, the result of the convention was a new government and the Constitution of the United States was created. -
3/5's Compromise
The problem was that the delegates diagreed over how states should be counted. Northerners wanted slaves to count for taxation but not representation while southerners wanted slaves to count for representation but not taxation (because they had more slaves.) The solution was 3 slaves are equal to 5 white men in taxation and representation -
The Great Compromise
The problem was that the delegates disagreed over how states should be represented in the national legislature. The Virginia Plan was a bicameral legislature (2 houses) in both, each states representation is based on population. The New Jersey plan was Unicameral Legislature (1 house) and each state has equal representation. The result was a bicameral legislature. The senate was the New Jersey Plan and the House of Representatives was the Virginia Plan. -
The Federalists Papers
Federalists were people who supported the constitution and favored a strong central government that shared power with the states (no anarchy) The Federalists papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. In the papers, Madison explained how checks and balances would ensure that no branch of government would have control over the other. These papers were instrumental in getting the Constitution and its amendments ratified. Our government is still governed based on these -
George Washington's Presidency
George Washington became the first President of the US in 1789. He was a reluctant and moderate president who feared foregin and domestic problems. This is evident when he would not become involved in the war between the French and the British and wanted to stay neutral since the US had allies with both -
Death of Benjamin Franklin
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion was when liquor (frontier farmers cash crop) was beign taxed. There were many protests and riots from frontier farmers in Pennsylvania. Washington sent in the milita of 13,000 to end these protests. 20 people were arrested and 2 were killed. Thomas Jefferson claimed that the use of the militia was an excessive use of force which helps the republican party win the election in Pennsylvania because people feel bad for frontiersman. -
Bill of Rights
name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Proposed to calm the fears of Anti-Federalists who had opposed Constitutional ratification, these amendments guarantee a number of personal freedoms, limit the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and reserve some powers to the states and to the public that were not in the orignial constituion. -
Citizen Genet comes to America
Thomas Jefferson invites French ambassador Citizen Genet to America. Jefferson and Genet want the US to help the French who are at war with the Brtish. Washington says no, that the US is staying neutral. Thomas Jefferson resigns as a result. Agreement not to support french was a victory for the federalists. -
Pickney's Treaty
US ambassador won Spanish Acceptance of an American boundary at the 31st parrallel which opened access to the Mississsippi River. The signifigance was that westerners can nopw use the Mississippi river to transport crops to markets. Also, shifting of balance of power in Europe led Spain to end its designs on America. -
Jay Treaty
John Jay went to Britain with a set of goals after they had attacked US merchant ships. The goals were for the British to get out of Northwest forts, (in US) money to pay for merchant ships destroyed, slave compensation for slaves that the Brtish freed, and commerce with Indians so that we could trade directly with them. The British agreed to get out of the forts within two years and agreed to pay for the merchant ships that they destroyed. But, the US cant trade with their enemy when at war. -
Washington's Farewell address
Washington says for America to avoid long term connections with other countries but to also not hold grudges or perceptions of countries. He also warns against having too many divisions -
John Adam's Presidency
John Adams, a federalist, is elected president in 1796 with his vice president being Thomas Jefferson. Adams is from Massachusetts and trys to emulate George Washington. -
XYZ affair
French start taking US ships like the British did because the US won't trade with them. The French refuse to meet with US representatves about this problem unless the US pays the French $250,000. Congress wants war after this, but Adams says npo because of a lack of navy. Adams then builds up the US Navy from 3 to 33 ships -
Alien and Sedition Acts
Passed in 1798, the Alien and Sedition Acts stated that you have to live in the US for 14 years to be a citizen because Jefferson wants French to come and vote republican. Next, it states that the President has the right to deport/imprison foreigners at his own will, and that it is illegal to speak badly about the government in anyway. Jefferson and Madison write greviences after this is passed because they realize it could help them win the next election. -
Thomas Jefferson's Presidency
Became third president of the Uinted States in 1800. It was a turning point in American political history because it was the first time there had been a change of power between political parties. Jefferson was the first president to be inagurated in D.C. and focused on simplifying everything. This is represented by the round table he put in the white house so that everyone was equal. Jefferson made a step by being a republican w/ strong cental gvt. He also didn't spend money like he did at home. -
John Marshall
Served a chief Justice of the United States from 1801 to 1835. Invloved in Marbury vs. Madison and criticized Thomas Jefferson and James Madison but didn't have the right to require president to appoint Marbury. This reiterates the Supreme Courts power -
Louisiana Purchase
The US purchased the Lousiaina terriotry from Napolean for cheap because he needs money. The US actually don't have the right to buy the land so they complete the aquisition via treaty which congress approves because it doubles the size of the U.S. This "would be a place for free blacks" -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark went on a 2.5 year long exploration in western terriotry that included Oregon. Along the way they met friendly indians in oregon including sacagawea who helped them translate. They brought back many journals, maps, plants and discoveries and encouraged exploration westward. This expedition makes Jefferson popular amongst the people. -
Embargo Act
The US are struggling in Europe to stay neutral largely in part becasue of Impressment, which was when Brtish would board US ships and force Americans to fight for the British. Jefferson then passes the embargo act which states that the US cannot trade internationally which results in a rise in smuggling. Federalists are mad and Jefferson's popularity is hurt before he repeals the act. -
James Madison's Presidency
James Madison, former secretary of state, was elected president in 1809. Madison was brillant, but not a good leader. Madison wants to stay neutral in foreign affairs and convinces congress to pass a law that says we cannot trade with Britain or France. -
War of 1812 continued
there is a tornado the next day in D.C. followed by thunderstorms which are the US's saving grace. The US then win in Baltimore and there is a feeling of pride and nationalism represented by Francis Scott Key's Star Spangled Banner. The Treaty of Ghent ends the war and both sides return prisoners and agree to original boundaries. -
War of 1812
The war of 1812 began because the United Sates wanted shipping rights so they sent a treaty to the British to sign. Madison then wants to declare war if they do not sign the treaty. The British signed the treaty late and the US had already declared war without knowing the British had sgined the treaty. In the war, the US doesn't have a strong army, however they hold their own in Mexico and Florida thanks to the Navy. After the British march into D.C. and burn down the white house and the capitol -
Henry Clay lives
Hates Andrew Jackson because hes a republican that studied under Thomas Jefferson. Has an "American system" to grow the national economy. 1) High Tariffs (farmers against this) 2) Higher land prices (migraters against this) 3) National Bank to regulate the economy -
McCulloch v. Maryland
State governments cannot tax the National Bank -
Adams-Onis Treaty
US got more borders for continental railroad. America now has boundaries and they pledge to build railroads and to expand. This is a big step after the Louisiana Purchase. -
Financial Panic of 1819
British stop buying from the US because they find cheaper prices elsewhere. This results in a sprial affect where other goods begin to fall also. The fears of the National Bank are realized and this shows how reliant we are on cotton which means were also reliant on slavery -
Missouri Compromise
Ban of slavery North of the 36 30' parallel. This results in Missouri being a slave state and maine being a free state. This is a victory for slave states. -
Monroe Doctrine
Passed by James Madison in 1823.
1) No further European Colonization in American continents
2) Political systems different between Europe and the U.S. (If they come we will view it as a threat)
3)Won't mess with existing European controlled colonies, just don't take more
4) Will stay out of internal affairs
Says a lot about US. such a power they can police hemisphere now -
Gibbons v. Ogden
A conflict between New York and New jersey involving trade over the Hudson River. No state can regulate interstate commerce. -
John Quincy Adams' Presidency
John Quincy Adams was elected president in 1824 over Andrew Jackson. Adams had a bad personality and hated to compromise but was very smart. He had respect for European Monarchys which started rumors like it did for his father. During Adams presidency, the republican party divided into 2 new political parties: the national republicans and the democratic republicans -
Andrew Jackson's Presidency
Elected President over John Quincy Adams in 1828. Jackson had no firm beliefs or political platform, he was a vague, powerful, popular war hero who supported slavery and fought indians. When he took over as president in 1828 America consisted of 24 states and 15 million people with a booming economy, lots of trade, growing cities, increased transportation, people relying on the National bank and more into politics -
Indian Removal Act of 1830
The Indian Removal Act was an act that allowed Andrew Jackson to negotiate with the Native Americans in the south for their removal to territory west of the mississppi river in exchange for their homelands. This lead to Cherokee Indians sueing the government and ultimatley getting the Marshall court to side with them. However, this ruling is not enforced. -
Jackson Vetoes charter of Bank of US
Nullification Controversy
South Carolina wanted to Nullify tariffs enforced by Jackson. Jackson's VP, Calhoun, claimed that the tariffs were unconstitutional and is fighting for states rights. Andrew Jackson pushed the Supremacy Clause which stated that the national government is superior to state and hated Calhoun for supporting South Carolina. Clay's Compromise settles the problem by lowering the tariffs but stating that South Carolina must comply. -
Jackson vetoes charter of Bank of US
Congress wants to re-charter the 2nd bank of the US, however, Jackson vetoes this and congress doesn't get the 2/3 vote needed to overturn the veto. Jackson then takes government money and puts it into state banks which results in them being able to print money. This cause inflation which leads to internal improvements. Jackson is viewed as a rockstar because the issues don't come out until after he is gone. -
Panic of 1837
Martin Van Buren's Presidency
Wins 1836 election against the whigs who ran 3 guys against him. Panic of 1837 occurs during his presidency due to states being in debt from the building projects that occured during inflation when Jackson was in office. 1/3 of the US is unemployed and Europe is also in depression so entrepenuers want their money back. People are very unhappy with Van Buren because of the economy and his lack of having government aid. -
William Henry Harrison wins election of 1840
William Henry Harrison (whig) a war hero from the war of 1812 with no political platform wins the election of 1840 over Martin Van Buren who the whigs call an aristocrat. Used the saying "Log Cabin and Hard Cider" as a major part of his campaign to show that he was not power hungry and would be just as happy "sitting in a log cabin drinking hard cider".