Reinados de Carlos IV y Fernando VII

By Neklaz
  • Period: to

    American Independencies

    During this period, the American colonies also began to gain independance from Spain, causing them big financial losses
  • Period: to

    Goya's Historical Paintings

    During this time, many historical events were taking place such as the french invasion or the Independance War. Therefore, Goya also made various paintings which showed what these events were like such as: La lucha contra los mamelucos or el fusilamiento de el dos de mayo.
  • Beginning of War of Independence

    Once Josph Bonaparte has the Spanish crown, people in Malasaña, Madrid begin to fight back against the French army in order to gain Independance from them.
  • End of the reign of Carlos IV

  • Creation of the Cádiz Courts

    These courts created the first ever spanish constitution in March 19, 1812 called 'La Pepa'.
  • Valencay Treaty

    With this treaty, the war of Independance ends and Joeph Bonaparte is replaced with Ferdinand VII.
  • Beginning of the reign of Ferdinand VII

  • The Third of May (Painting by Goya)

    In this painting, Goya shows the execution of the Patriots the day after the uprising against thefrench invasion.
  • Beginning of the liberal triennium

    It occurs after the Pronunciamento de Riego and during this time Ferndinand VII accepts the constitution of La Pepa even though he is an absolutist king.
  • End of the liberal triennium/ Start of the Ominous decade

    Ferdinand VII asks for help to the Holly Alliance to end the liberal Triennium and the ominous decade begins
  • End of the Omnious decade and of the reign of Ferdinand VII