
Refugees Dreamland

  • The number of people that can be succesful integrated

    The number of people that can be succesful integrated
    Unfortunately Kozani is not a really big city but it may host some refugees. A really good number is around 1000 of refugees that can be integrated to be able to increase the population of Kozani and fill different jobs.
  • Accomodation

    A very good idea is to be hosted on vacaut, abandoned buildings such as the insitution public near to the church of Agios Kostantinos.
  • The kind of entepreneurship that can be developed

    The kind of entepreneurship that can be developed
    We will have to find work for the refugees. A very good oportunity is to work in local shops and restaurants or as assistants in some services but the most important is to work in the center of the city because there will be a lot of people who will want to shop
  • The ways your school can help

    The ways your school can help
    The education of children is necessary. The state can produce refugee children with lessons in Greek and the other kids can help them with lessons and language and it will be a great opportunity to make new friends.
  • The potential benefits for local community

    The potential benefits for local community
    The city can organise a ball, a charity, a bazaar or any other raising event to help the economic development and give a chance to refugees to feel more comfortable and parts of our community.