

  • Berlin, Germany

    Berlin, Germany
    Josef wakes up to the Nazi German soldiers breaking into his home during Kristallnachtm His father, Aaron, is arrested and sent to a concentration camp.
  • Hamburg, Germany

    Hamburg, Germany
    Josef, his mother, and sister meet with his father in Hamburg after he is released from the concentration camp. They are forced to leave Germany and they book a ticket on the ship MS Saint Louis in direction to Cuba.
  • Miami, Florida

    Miami, Florida
    Josef is refused entry into Miami, the ship is sent back and must return to Europe.
  • Havana, Cuba

    Havana, Cuba
    The ship has arrived to Cuba, however, passengers are not allowed to disembark the ship when Nazi crew members sack Josef's family cabin and the father under pressure jumps over board. A cuban police officer (Mariano) jumps in the water and saves him from drowning.
  • Le Mans, France

    Le Mans, France
    Josef's family find refugee with a French family, however, they are soon apprehended by German Nazi soldiers.
  • Atalanta Ocean, Bahamas

    Atalanta Ocean, Bahamas
    When the boat begins to take water, Isabel's family changes plans and turn around towards Miami.
  • Havana, Cuba

    Havana, Cuba
    A riot erupts in Havana due to the unfair living conditions under Fidel Castro's Regime. Isabel's father, Geraldo, is beaten by the police during the riot.
  • Havana, Cuba

    Havana, Cuba
    Isabel's family leave Cuba the next day towards Miami on a home made boat with his best friend Ivan and his Family.
  • Miami, Florida

    Miami, Florida
    Isabel and her family reach Miami. Isabel's grandfather sacrifices himself and jumps in the water to distract the US coast guards. He is sent back to Cuba and the family makes it to the shore.
  • Hungary

    Mahmoud's family is arrested and put into a detention center when they reach Hungary's border.
  • Austria and Germany

    Austria and Germany
    Mahmoud flees with his parents and other refugees towards Austria and eventually, Mahmoud reaches Germany where he is taken into a foster family by Josef's sister.
  • Greece

    When Mahmoud's family make it to Greece, they unsuccessfully look for baby Hannah. While looking for her, they are robbed by a Serbian taxi driver at gunpoint.
  • Izmir, Turkey

    Izmir, Turkey
    Mahmoud and his family hire a smuggler to take them to Greece. They board in an inflatable raft which pops during a storm. While Mahmoud's mother is on the brink of drowning, she gives her baby Hannah to a passing rescue boat to save her.
  • Aleppo, Syria

    Aleppo, Syria
    Mahmoud's apartment is hit by a missile during the Syrian civil war. Mahmoud's father decides to flee to Germany with his family.
  • Aleppo, Syria

    Aleppo, Syria
    While traveling from Aleppo, Mahmoud's family is forced to abandon their car and its belongings when bullets start tearing down the vehicle. They make it to Turkey by foot following a map with their cell phone.