Reflection Journal: Literacy Process

  • Making School Friends

    Making School Friends
    My first day of Kindergarten I was consoling another student at my bus stop that there was nothing to worry about because we could go to school together and be friends.
  • ELA Presentations

    ELA Presentations
    During ELA we would create BCR's (Brief Constructed Responses) and those students who would write the best ones in the class would get to wear a sash. One day I had the best one and was able to read it allowed to the class and wear a sash.
  • My First School Play

    My First School Play
    I auditioned for my first school play where I would need to act. I scored a role of an Umpa Lumpa in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This began my love for musical theatre and performing.
  • My Past

    My Past
    More often my Grandmother and I would tell stories about my and traumatic experiences I've gone through in my childhood and I became more open to expressing my feelings about those situations.
  • Science Fair Presentation

    Science Fair Presentation
    My science fair project was chosen to be presented to my fellow peers and teachers at my middle school. This was my first time presenting a project publicly and giving in-depth explenations on the spot.
  • Spelling Evaluation

    Spelling Evaluation
    During middle school teachers began to notice my spelling wasn't up to standards and began to quiz me more often on spelling.
  • Freshman Year

    Freshman Year
    In high school it became a more prominent thing to have introductions and presentations which pushed me outside of my comfort zone.
  • Teacher Academy of Maryland

    Teacher Academy of Maryland
    I began to take TAM classes which introduced me into presenting projects and presentations in front of a class and communicating with children.
  • Loss of my Dad

    Loss of my Dad
    I had recently lost my Dad and became more comfortable with speaking on my emotions and becoming an inspiring advocate for mental illness.
  • My Senior Year

    My Senior Year
    At my senior year dance show I was given the opportunity to present a speech about growing up in the dance world and thank those who had a crucial part of my past.
  • Career Path

    Career Path
    I began college and started taking opportunities to work with children and become more involved in the education setting
  • Speech

    I finally enrolled in my first speech class which helped me with public speaking and tools to help me public presentations.