Conscription Crisis Of World War One
It caused a considerable rift between French Canadians and English Canadians. -
Conscription Crisis Of World War Two
The conscription crisis of world war two was not at a politically damaging as the conscription crisis od world war one because it was declared late in the war -
Maurice Duplesis
Maurice Duplesis led a political party in Quebec called The Union Nationale created during the Great Depression. -
New flag adopted in order to make Canada less British
It was the first time a national flag had been officially adopted in Canada. -
Separatist movement - De Gaulle's speech at the 1967 Expo
De Gaulle said "Vive le Québec libre! " which meant long live free Quebec, this offended alot of English speaking Canadians and caused trouble between the English and the French. -
Lester Pearson appointed the Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission
tried to find solutions to the problems between the French and the English in Canada. -
Trudeau's government pased Official Languages Act
Gave English and French Canadians equal status in Canadian government -
October Crisis
It highlighted the movement towards getting greater autonomy and independance -
Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ), October Crisis
a terrorist group in Quebec who wanted Quebec free from Canada. Kidnapped James Cross, a diplomat and labour minister Pierre Laporte -
Parti Quebecois
promised Quebec seperation from Canada. -
Passage of Bill 101
Made french the only official language in Quebec. -
Quebec referendum on "Sovereignity-Association
first referendum in Quebec discussing the place of Quebec in Canada. -
Constitution Act
created to finish the process of patriating the constitution -
Meech Lake Accord
to increase support in Quebec for remaining in Canada -
Creation Of Bloc Quebecois by Luchien Bouchard
To create the conditions needed for Quebec to seperate from Canada -
Charlottetown Accord
to solve the problems about powers with the federal and provincial governments. -
Quebec Sovereignty Referendum
the second referendum to ask people of Quebec their opinion on Quebec seperating from Canada