Reese Hurleys life timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    2:08pm at Grand Rapids Hospital
  • Started walking

    Started walking
    Started walking a little under two years old
  • Brother got bit by a dog on face

    Brother got bit by a dog on face
    I was very little so I do not remember much but my dad's dog bit my brother in the face and he had to get stitches.
  • Able to start talking more

    Able to start talking more
    My parents said my first word was "boat"
  • First Vacation

    First Vacation
    First vacation to Florida which I now love to go there and go there every year to visit my grandma
  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill

    Deepwater Horizon oil spill
    A lot of people got in trouble for this oil spill. It was due to a bad cement job and failure of the shoe track barrier at the bottom of the well.
  • 8.8 earthquake in Chile

    8.8 earthquake in Chile
    This lasted three minutes and occurred off the coast of central Chile on the 27th of February. Chile had a strong recovery after this, however.
  • Started School

    Started School
    Started school at Kalamazoo and spent preschool and kindergarten there
  • Great Grandma died

    Great Grandma died
    I did not know my great grandma very well but I know my mom loved her very much and she was sad when she died
  • Family dog died

    Family dog died
    I LOVED this dog so much and was so heartbroken when I found out she had to get put down. It felt like an actual person in the family was dying.
  • Moved to a new house/school

    Moved to a new house/school
    Was not super scared for this and was excited. I got to make good friends and I loved going to Byron.
  • Grandpa died

    Grandpa died
    This death was super hard for me. It was really one of the first deaths besides my great grandmas but I knew my grandpa a lot more and spent a lot more time with him.
  • Got social media

    Got social media
    I begged my mom for social media for a long time and she finally caved when I was nine. I did have a lot of restrictions and was very careful with it.
  • Parents left for a week

    Parents left for a week
    I was sooo sad to have my parents leave to climb mt. Kilimanjaro but I'm glad they did it because they had such a good time.
  • Became friends with my best friend

    Became friends with my best friend
    Me and my best friend became friends in first grade but did not really hang out again until seventh grade and I am very lucky to have met her :)
  • Got a cat

    Got a cat
    I was at a soccer camp when my mom found Scout underneath our patio furniture and my dad let her keep it for their anniversary.
  • COVID Pandemic

    COVID Pandemic
    Covid closed many businesses and schools and took many people's lives. Social distancing became huge and was confirmed as a worldwide pandemic.
  • School closed because of Covid

    School closed because of Covid
    I was not super sad about this because I was excited to stay home but it definitely got old after a while.
  • Started transition to high school

    Started transition to high school
    A lot of people were very nervous for highschool but I never felt that I just felt I was transitioning to another school.
  • Started Highschool

    Started Highschool
    Starting highschool was a little rough but once I got the hang of it I started to enjoy it.
  • Started driving

    Started driving
    I was very excited to start driving and have always been. It definitely changes your life.
  • Brother graduated and moved out

    Brother graduated and moved out
    This was such a weird feeling. Seeing my brother do the school walk-through and watch him at his last sporting events. It's weird not having him at home anymore.