Reed Giver Vocab

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    a memory: something remembered or recalled.
    Synonyms: remembered, recalled.
    He had a recollection, of how he first learned to ride a bike.
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    intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge.
    Synonyms :clever and smart.
    Everyone in the class saw the kid as profound.
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    Status or influence; importance based on reputation.
    Synonyms: Status and importance.
    The prestige of her past told us why she would do such a thing.
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    Shy; bashful.
    Synonyms: Shy and uncomfortable.
    The boy was sheepish, he would not come out to play with the other kids.
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    Peacefully and calmly.
    Synonyms: Calm and patiently.
    The girl smiled serenely as she held the animal in her arms.
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    Turn away.
    Synonyms: avoid and look away.
    Then she averted because Sofia had made her mad.
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    Hurried and rush.
    Synonyms: Fast and speedy.
    She was hasty as she rushed to turn her assignment in.
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    Synonyms: Slow and lazy.
    His indolence was showing for he would not get off the couch to take out the garbage.
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    Unsettling and upsetting.
    Synonyms: Upset and discomfort.
    It was really unnerving, to see her get up there, scared and alone.
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    To demand or take.
    Synonyms:Order and claim.
    Lucy requistioned the stuffed animal from her sister.
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    Noticeable;easy to see.
    Synonyms: Clear and noticeable.
    The cat was very conspicuous because it was white and it was laying on a black blanket.
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    Uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed.
    Synonyms:Embarrassed and uncomftorable.
    She self-conciously went to the front of the room to sit next to the teacher as her punishment.
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    Uncertainly and hesitantly.
    Synonyms:Uncertain and hesitant.
    Tentatively, Jess walked over to the big object that was moving underneath the seat.
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    Swift-flowing stream of something.
    Synonyms: Flow and tide.
    A torrent of water was there, flowing through the woods.
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    No longer useful.
    Synonyms: Old and outdated.
    The telephone with the wire was obsolete, we do not use it anymore.
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    Difficult to carry or handle.
    Synonyms:Difficult and heavy.
    The box was unwieldly because I shoved a bunch of my stuff in it.
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    Shrinking back involuntarily.
    Synonyms:Grimace and flinch.
    He was winicing from the pain because he cut himself on the rock.
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    Uneasy or distressed.
    Synonyms:Upset and tense.
    Aryana was fretful that she would not get into the college she wanted to get in to.
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    Synonyms:Caution and warning.
    The stop sign on the school bus was an admonition for cars to stop when kids got off the bus.
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    Gave up or let go.
    Synonyms:Abandon and leave.
    Jerry relinquished the broken doll his sister had into the garbage.