
Red scare project

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    The red scare of america

    The red scare of America followed immediately after the Bolshevik revolution, many Americans were afraid of the far lest extremism and were paranoid that those ideals would seep into the American way of life. It especially worried the government because they had to deal with radicalization and radical organizations.
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    the fear of communism and the government

    The common people of America were afraid of the communist ideology and the fact that radicals were conspiring together could uprise and any moment, but they were also scared of the government. Many people did not want to speak their mind or say anything about the matter except for what the government wanted to hear in fear that they would be labeled a terrorist or communist and arrested.
  • The tsar is abdicated

    The Russian army joined the common people as they went on strike in the capital demanding socialist reforms, this forced Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate. He is replaced by a provisional government led by Alexander Karensky.
  • Lenin's scheming

    Vladimir Lenin held a secret meeting on this date to convince the other Bolshevik leaders that another armed revolution was necessary.
  • The fighting begins

    In 1917, many people from Russia banded together to attempt to overthrow Tsar Nicholas the 2nd, by attacking and taking over many key points in the capital of Petrograd, this movement and group called the "Bolshevik's" was led by Vladimir Lenin
  • Russian revolution ends

    The monarchy is officially abolished as the bolsheviks overthrow the provisional government set in place in the capital.
  • The sedition act

    This act which built upon the espionage act of 1917 targeted people who criticized the government and made it easier for the government to monitor and catch radicals, but also for them to arrest and detain immigrants or innocent people that they are slightly suspicious of.
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    Palmer raids

    During this time period the department of justice went on raids and captured and arrested suspected foreign terrorists/communists that were usually immigrants or German sympathizers.
  • Palmer house bombing

    An anarchist named Carlo Valdinoci planted a bomb near the attorney general Palmer's house and blew up the front of his house, this moment sparked more fire in Palmer and caused for an increase in raids.
  • The largest raids

    On this symbolic day of the anniversary of the Russian revolution, with a newly appointed deputy him and Palmer led a raid that arrested "suspicious" but legal immigrants from 12 major cities, including more than 650 in New York alone.
  • The beginning to end of the Palmer raids

    After a year of arresting immigrants under the protection and mindset that they were "terrorists", the palmer raids were called out by newspaper companies as terrorism themselves.
  • Sacco and vanzetti's crime

    Sacco and vanzetti were said to have murdered a guard and a paymaster during the armed roberry of the Slater and Morrill shoe company on this date.
  • Palmer raids end

    On this day palmer believed there would be communist rioting, when there was no rioting it was the last straw and all people lost their faith in him and his raids, therefore marking the end of his tyranny on immigrants.
  • The wall street bombing

    During the height of the red scare, anarchist groups bombed political and business leaders. This was shown during the wall street bombing where a bomb that was delivered through a horse drawn carriage exploded and killed 40 and 143 were severely injured.
  • Sacco and vanzetti trial

    The trial for the convicted immigrant murderers Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti started
  • Saco and Vanzetti verdict and dismay

    On this date Saco and Vanzetti were found guilty by verdict of the trial, but the country was torn as half the people thought they were innocent and some thought they were guilty, this led to protests and outbreaks professing their innocence across the world.
  • Soviet union is fouded

    The new government takes grasp of the country and instills the communist ideals that many of the revolutionaries wanted
  • Sacco and vanzetti excecution

    Sacco and vanzetti were executed via electric chair for their crimes, although their guilt was questioned by many.