Recreation History Timeline

  • Birth of Joseph Lee

    Birth of Joseph Lee
  • Birth of William G. Morgan

    Birth of William G. Morgan
  • Yellowstone National Park established

    Yellowstone National Park established
    United States President Ulysses S Grant signs the Yellowstone National Park protection act, giving birth to the world's first national park.
  • Joseph Lee graduates from Harvard

    Joseph Lee graduates from Harvard
    Joseph Lee graduates from Harvard with his bachelor's degree.
  • Joseph Lee receives his law Degree

    Joseph Lee receives his law Degree
    Joseph Lee received his law degree from Harvard University.
  • Joseph Lee jumpstarts Playground Movement

    Joseph Lee jumpstarts Playground Movement
    After hearing that little boys were being arrested for playing in the streets, Joseph Lee cleared a lot and gave materials for the children to play. He soon found that the boys were fighting with each other when unsupervised. He later jumpstarted the Playground Movement in 1890 so children could play together in supervised spaces.
  • William G. Morgan invents Volleyball

    William G. Morgan invents Volleyball
    Morgan worked as a Director of Physical Education at a YMCA in Holyoke. He wanted to think of a game that could act as an alternative for basketball that anyone could play. He created a team game that involved bouncing a ball in the air ball over a net and trying to hit it before it hits the ground. He called it "Mintonette", but it would later be known by another name, Volleyball.
  • Signing of Antiquities Act

    Signing of Antiquities Act
    United States President Theodore Roosevelt signed this act, which gave presidents the authority to create national parks and monuments to preserve the historic and natural beauty of the country.
  • Formation of Playground Association of America

    Formation of Playground Association of America
    This establishment occurred at the YMCA in Washington D.C and helped ensured that children all across America would have some sort of play area that they could go to. Reformers believed that supervised play for children could improve their mental and emotional health while also giving them a place to exercise.
  • National Park Service created

    National Park Service created
    President Woodrow Wilson signed the act creating the National Park Service in order to preserve the natural and historic beauty of America.
  • Television First demonstrated

    Television First demonstrated
    In San Francisco, the first electronic television was successfully demonstrated 21-year old inventor, Philo Taylor Farnsworth. It was a system that could capture moving images in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and transformed back into a moving picture on the screen. This would serve as an ancestor for modern television.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps established

    Civilian Conservation Corps established
    Established by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt with an executive order as part of his New deal legislation. It combatted high unemployment during the Great Depression by creating jobs for men to work for environmental conversation projects.
  • First televised baseball game

    First televised baseball game
    The First televised sporting event was a college baseball game between Columbia and Princeton universities.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    The Supreme Court voted unanimously that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. It overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling which stated that keeping races "separate but equal" was constitutional. It was very influential during the Civil Rights Movement and helped ensure that children of all races could learn together.
  • 1958 NFL Championship Game

    1958 NFL Championship Game
    The 1958 NFL Championship Game between the Baltimore Colts and the New York Giants was the first ever NFL Game to be on national television. It sparked an uproar in NFL popularity thanks to Johnny Unitas, who became a breakout star after this game.
  • First Special Olympics

    First Special Olympics
    The first Special Olympics Competition was held in Chicago's Soldier Field for young people with intellectual disabilities. The inspiration came from Eunice Kennedy when she saw how unfair people with disabilities were being treated by others. They did not even have a chance to go to school. This helped mark change in society and centuries of mistreatment began to fade away and people with special needs started to find a lot more of societal acceptance.
  • First Monday Night Football Game

    First Monday Night Football Game
    The New York Jets played the Cleveland Browns in the first-ever Monday Night Football game. It since became a weekly staple for generations in the autumn season and is still very popular to this day.