
  • lincons plan

    precident lincon appointed military governos from the region under union control
  • moderates and radicals

    in 1864 moderates and radicals had come up with a recostruction plan
  • the freemen bureau

    as sherman marched trought geogia and north carolina thousands of africans americans know as freemen
  • the recostruction begins

    large areas of the former confederacy by in ruins
  • johnson began

    in 1865 with congress in recess johnson began to implement what he calle the restaration program wich closely recomended lincons plan
  • african american seved in the army

    many african americans sreved in the u.s. cavlry in units formed in 1866
  • racial violence

    Racial violence rages in Memphis, Tennessee for three days as whites assault blacks on the streets. In the aftermath, 48 people, nearly all black are dead.
  • white mobs killed

    in 1866 the white mobs killed 46 africans americans and burned hundred of black homes,churches and schools
  • Congress passes First and Second Reconstruction Acts

    congresional and republican passed the military recostruction act wich essentially wiped out johnson programs
  • Johnson refused

    House of Representatives impeaches Andrew Johnson Senate acquits Johnson Fourteenth Amendment is ratified Ulysses S. Grant is elected president.
  • johnson

    the senate voted 35 to 19 the johnson was guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors just one vote short of what was needed for conviction
  • grant porpose

    Grant proposes a treaty of annexation with Santo Domingo in an attempt to find land for freed slaves to settle.
  • southen democrats

    1870 the southern democrats had worked to regain control of their state and local payments from the republican
  • confederate stetes

    all of the former confederate states had joined the union under the congressional recostruction plan
  • republican convection

    Grant is reelected with an electoral college majority of 286-66, and a popular majority of 763,000.
  • the panic of 1873

    The panic of 1873 begins with the failure of a Wall Street banking firm, spreads to the stock exchange
  • political tide

    morden elections the democrats won control of the house of represantives anda mde against the senate
  • civil bill rights

    As one of its last acts, the Republican-led Congress passes the Civil Rights Bill of 1875
  • democrats take control over the south

    the democrats had taken controll of all the southern state legislatures except luisiana,south carolina and florida
  • hayes and samuel tiden

    Hayes and Democrat Samuel Tilden, in which both candidates claim victory, Hayes is declared president.