Reconstruction Timeline Hunter

  • black codes

    black codes
    Were laws to help control the newly freed African Americans and made it legal for Afican Americans to have farms. Congress tried to proect African Americans from the black codes. Radical Republicans pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 through congress to combat the black codes. Republicans in congress were able to override the vetoos and the bills became a law.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    It gave federal government power to get involed in state affairs to help the African Americans. It granted citizenship to African Americans. The Surpreme Court ruled that African Americans wer not citizens.
  • Reconstruction acts

    Reconstruction acts
    If 10 of the former confederate states didn't radifie the Fourteenth Amendment, they would have to form a new government. The act divided 10 defiant states into 5 military districts. It guaranteed African Americans the right to vote in elections. By 1868, Alabama, Arkanas, Flordia, Georgia, Louisianna, North Carolina, and South Carolina set up new governments and ratified the Fourteenth Amendment and rejoined the Union. By 1870 the other three states, Texas, Mississippi, and Virginia readmitted.
  • Fifteenth Amendment

    The state could not deny a vote of a male for there race, color, or previouse condition of servitude. They thought they were done and have succeeded in giving the right for African Americans to vote.
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    It stated that if in any state if a male adult wasn't allowed to vote the state would lose some repreentation in congress. It also stated that the state can't take land, property, a person's life, or liberty without a process of law.