• Period: to


    The period after the Civil War in which the states formerly part of the Confederacy were brought back into the United States.
  • end of 1865

    end of 1865
    southern states except Texas had created new governments
  • 1865

    Congress established the Freemen's Bureau
  • 1866

    Congress proposed new bill, that would give Freedmen's Bureau more power
  • May 1, 1866

    May 1, 1866
    a dispute in Memphis, Tennessee, took place between local police and black Union soldiers.
  • March 1867

    March 1867
    Congress passed the first of several Reconstruction Acts.
  • 1868

    Former general Grant got nominated for president.
  • 1869

    Congress proposed the Fifteenth Amendment
  • 1870

    Hiram Revels became the first African American in the U.S Senate.
  • Act of 1872

    The Amnesty Act of 1872 allowed former Confederates to serve in public office.
  • 1877

    President Hayes removed federal troops from South