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Reconstruction timeline

By Reiri
  • Lincoln 10% plan, the start of an era.

    Lincoln made a plan in order to assure that a state was trustworthy enough of joining back the union, so he had made a plan to test their citizens. Once 10% of the citizens were trustworthy the state can be official.
  • Wade Davis Bill

    50% plan. Lincoln's plan but requires 50% of a ex-confederate state to be considered assimilated. Wade Davis believed Lincoln was not being strict enough with their power.
  • Freedman Bureau

    A establishment to help African Americans and provide them with support with medical issue, housing, and created schools.
  • The End of the Civil War

    The Civil War versus the south ends, uniting the union together. The states now need to regain their trust.
  • Death of Lincoln

    Lincoln is assassinated and a new president takes the helm early in the reconstruction process. Lincoln is killed due to adversity due to hate from the civil war.
  • New President, New Beliefs, Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson is newly appointed after Lincoln's death, and shares less mercy for the ex-confederates during reconstruction. President Johnson picks of the reconstruction project and makes new requirements.
  • Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plans

    Andrew Johnson makes a proclamation that pardons all white southerner's from the war aside from leaders. At the same time though, people of color were denied a role in society with the black codes.
  • KuKluxKlan

    The KuKluxKlan was a group of white supremist who went out of their way to put harm in the way of people of color who own property.
  • Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    President Andrew Johnson is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. He had earned himself a bad reputation, and when he fired his assistant, he was quickly impeached. Johnson also had been using his veto powers with a hard hand.
  • 14th Amendment

    All people born in US territory are US citizens and this cannot be changed by any means by the state. They will receive all the rights that the constitution offers, no matter their race.
  • The 15th amendment

    The 15th amendment guaranteed the rights of all citizens to vote regardless of skin color. This gave people of color representation in congress.
  • Civil rights act of 1866

    This law was enacted in order to define what determines a United State's citizen. All people for in the US or in US territories are citizens, and all of these citizens will have equal rights and representation.
  • Civil rights act

    The civil rights act prohibited racial discrimination in public and throughout the nation. This gave people of color more rights and put them closer to their goal of being equal.
  • Compromise of 1877

    The compromise of 1877 is a unwritten deal to take away federal troops from the south, to which Rutherford B would become president in 1876.
  • Last federally occupied ex confederate state, the end of a era.

    After roughly 14 years since the start of a reconstruction efforts, Louisiana becomes that last state to be occupied, and the federal soldiers leave the state. Louisiana gains back its status as a state once more, and the end of the reconstruction.