Freedman Bureau
The temporary Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. It was passed to help black slaves and poor whites to get back on their feet after the war. -
Black Codes
Southern legislatures begin drafting "Black Codes" to re-establish whites. Had intent and effect of restricting African Americans' freedom -
The klux Klan begins. Confederate Army started this club after the war ended because they hated blacks. Also, they astarted it because they believed that they shouldnt have the same rights as the White man. -
Cilvil right bill
congresses passes the law over johnsaons veto. johnson vetoed it because he believed that blacks shoulkd nothave the right to become citizens. Legislation in the US that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. -
third freedman bill
Congress passed it. overriding another veto -
1887 the game was made. it was first for men. George Hancock invented it. it was Organzied by Leo and Mitcheal. The first name of the game was Kitten Ball. It was named this because the ball was softer than a baseball. -
In this type of theater act they did many things. They had operas, musicians, and vocalists come and perform. mostly rich people attended. -
1986 was the first volleyball game. In 1900 a special ball was made for this game. It then became very populsr around the world. The pionts changed from 21 to 15 -
LowBrow (theater)
in theater there was many shows and events taking place. lowbrow was acrobats and trained horses. it was more like a circus than a play. -
Period: to
Progressive Ara
A lot of new laws and changes to the country was happening during this time period. This time period is from 1900-1917 -
Come with me
The first game i searched was come with me. come with me was a game were they all formed a circle. when in the circle a person that was "it" would run around the circle. They would then pick someone to run with them. That person would run the oppisate way as the person who was it. When they meet up with each other, they would swings arm and race for the open spot. -
(Books) To Have And to Hold
They read many books to pass time. The auther of this book is Maty Johnsom. Its a Historic romance. the books takes place in Jamestown1620. It was very popular during this time, so popular they based two silent flims off of it. -
Alice of Old Vincennes
This was another popluar book in this time period, it was a very historical novel that takes place in 1779. It's based on the take over of the fort by British army and it being taken by George Rogers Clark. -
Leep Frog
This game is a game we still play today. Kids would bend over and the other one would try and leep over the bent over person. They would keep doing this trading spots till they got tired of doing so. -
Joe "KIng" Oliver
Joe was in a band called "King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band". This band was popluar during the early 1920's and Late 1910's. The band played cornet. It consisted of some of the greatest Jazz musicians of the 1920's. There was 5 people in the band. Joe Oliver, Bill Johnson, Johnny Dodds, and Baby Dodds. -
Edward "Kid" Ory
The First great Jazz trombonist. he was High Demand in the 1920s. It was a New Orleans band that was fromed in 1912. It consisted of many great Jazz musixians over the years. Such as King Olvier, Louis Armstrong, Johnny dodds, and Sidney Bechet. -