Reconstruction Rise and Fall

By Jazzy01
  • The End of Slavery

    The End of Slavery
    When Abraham Lincoln signed off on the Emancipation Prolamation, this would then free all the African Americans that were kept in slavery all these years, the slaves thought that this was finally a big step towards them being treated fairly like everybody else.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    this amendment freed the slaves from the deadly bondage of slavery
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    He became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. he implementd a plan that gave the white south a free hand in regulating the transition from slavery to freedom and offered no role to blacks in the politics of the south
  • The Election of Benjamin Butler

    The Election of Benjamin Butler
    Butler was a major advocate for the rights of African Americans. he was elected to congress as part of the republican party. during his life, he supported African American Regiment and forced the confederacy to recognize African American union soldiers
  • The Freedmen's Bureau

    The Freedmen's Bureau
    Was a temporary agency created to assist freedmen to make the transition to freedom, the bureau was placed under the control of the U.S. Army, and General Oliver O. Howard was put in command. It was Abolished in 1872.
  • Lincoln's Assassinated

    Lincoln's Assassinated
    At ford's theatre in washington D.C, abraham lincoln was shot in the head by a confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln died the next morning.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Is a white supremacist group that went around, and used terrorism type tactics and both physical assault or Murder against groups or individuals whom they opposed. With these groups forming this was making the country take steps back against what they were working towards, they were starting to accept everyone no matter what race or religion they were and this made them take a giant step back.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Congress attempted to provide land for freedmen with the passage of the Southern Homestead act. More than 3 million acres of public land were set aside for black people and white southerners who remained loyal to the union
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    After the election of state officials, white legislators gathered in state capitals across the south to determine the status and future of the freedmen. With little debate, the legislatures drafted the so called Black Codes.
  • New Orleans Race Riot

    New Orleans Race Riot
    The black codes were caused of this race riot. And that was because many of the white population believed that African Americans should not have the right to vote. Thats when former confederate soldiers along with the Louisiana police started attacking African Americans. In the end 34 African Americans lost their lives.
  • The reconstruction acts of 1867

    The reconstruction acts of 1867
    these acts laid out the process for readmitting southern states into the union.
  • Francis L. Cordozo

    Francis L. Cordozo
    He was elected to be secretary of State in South Carolina. He was an African American Graduate from the University of Glasgow and later worked as a principal in a colored school. He wanted to get the plantation system abolished.
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    this amendment granted african americans equal rights under the law, just as everyone else.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    It granted everyone the right to vote, regardless of race. However later on in time, laws that were made afterwards prevented African Americans from being able to vote
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    The former union general, becomes president, although allied with the Radical republicans in congress he does not provide strong leadership during reconstruction.
  • African Americans Holding office

    African Americans Holding office
    When congress first passes the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 and ratified the 15th Amendment, African Americans began to be elected or appoimted national, state, county, and local offices throughout the United States.
  • The Enforcement Acts

    The Enforcement Acts
    Were three bills passed by the United States congress, they were criminal codes which protected African Americans' right to vote, to hold office, to serve on juries, and receive equal protection under the law
  • Sharecroppers

    Sharecroppers were noticeably popping up. These were typically former slaves who would go back and work for their masters. This was largely due to the fact that there were no land reforms, pushing african americans to do work for miniscule pay.
  • Jonathan Jasper Wright elected for South Carolina's Supreme Court

    Jonathan Jasper Wright elected for South Carolina's Supreme Court
    Jonathan Wright was a former slave that became free during the Reconstruction Period. He became a teacher and laborer among the freemen in South Carolina. He would later become the head of the Freeman's Bureau. He was considered a symbol for economic opportunities for African Americans during the Reconstruction Period.
  • 1st Enforcement Act

    1st Enforcement Act
    Congress enacts the first enforcement act to enforce the 14th and 15th Amendments. The law makes the bribing, intimidation, or racial discrimination of voters into federal crimes. The statue also strengthens federal authority against anti black groups like the Ku Klux Klan by outlawing conspiracies aimed at preventing the exercise of constitutional rights.
  • Colfax Massacre

    Colfax Massacre
    On easter sunday in Colfax, Louisiana. around 150 black men were murdered by white supremicist
  • Mississippi Plan

    Mississippi Plan
    It was a racist strategy that barred African Americans from voting or owning firearms. Devices such as literary tests were deployed in order to ensure its success. This was enacted in hopes to overthrow the republican Party in Mississippi. This was apart of the fall in reconstruction because this was bringing up all the racial tensions again in the political parties and it was disturbing the peace of the state.
  • The Civil Rights act of 1875

    The Civil Rights act of 1875
    The Civil Rights Act recognized African Americans right to equal treatment in public places. The act stated that if someone did discriminate against someone by their race, they were subjected to pay the victim $500. for every following violation, they would be convicted of a Misdemeanor
  • Congress passes Civil Rights Bill

    Congress passes Civil Rights Bill
    this would then make segregation illegal, and the african americans were affected by this, but later on down the road the bill later be overturned.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    was an informal unwritten deal, that settled the intensely disputed 1876 presidential election. it resulted in the united states federal government pulling the last troops out of the south, and formally ending the reconstruction period