Feedmens Bureau
The freedmens bureau help freemen and the poor. It helped white and blacks when they were struggling. It gave them food to eat, shelter to live in, and clothing to wear. It also gave them schools to atend. The freed mens bureau helped out alot. -
Period: to
Reconstruction of Georgia Timeline
The act of building something again. A time period after the civil war in which the south rejoined the union and rebuilt its society. -
End of the Civil War Assassinated
With his army surrenderd,his men weak and exhausted Robert E Lee realized there was little choice but to consider the surrender of hie army general grant. They agreed to meet April 9, 1865 at the house of wilmer mclean in a court house. The meeting lasted a long time. It was the dbloodiest conflict in the nation history. -
Abraham lincoln Assasssinated
On April 14, 1865 John Wilkes Booth, a famous actor and confederate sympathier finally shout president Abraham Lincoln at a play at fords theatre in washington. The attact came only five days after confederate General Robert Elee surrenderd his massive army .It was a very bad tragedy for lots of people. -
Thirteen Admendment
The thirteen admendment was one of the best admendment .It it ended slavery in many countrys. I canceled many war debts in countrys. It saved alot of slaves from geting mistreated. It made many blacks happy and free. -
Fourtteenth Admendment
Gave peple right except for native americans.President Johnson wanted the southern states to reject the admendment. The legislature rejected the adoption of the fourthteenth admendment. -
Fifteen Admendment
This admendment gave certain pepole the right to vote. It did not let anyone from the united states on the account of race, and color. Its mainly talking about slaves. Americans gained the rights to participate in souther politic society. many whites did not like the fact of that.