Freedmen's Bureau
The Freedmen's Bureau was established in the War Department. -
End of Civil War Appomattox
Abraham Lincoln Assassinated
The assassinaion happened five days after commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia surrendered. Lincoln was shot by Booth. Lincoln was shot with a Philadelphia Derringer pistol. -
13th Admendment Ratified
The 13th Ademendment prohibited slavery. Mississippi ratified this admendment in 1995. The U.S. Constitution requires three quarters of the states to agree before it becomes real. The ratification came eight months after the end of the war. -
14th Admendment Ratified
The amendment was rejected by most Southern states, but was ratified by the required three-fourths of the states. This ademendment was known as the Reconstruction Admendment. The fourteenth admendment expanded to protect the civil rights of all Americans. -
Henry McNeal Turner Elected to Senate
15th Admendment Ratified
The 15th Admendment allows all male citizens to vote, no matter what color they are. Republicans wanted the 15th Amendment passed to obtain the vote of the freed slaves. The Fifteenth Amendment is the third of the Reconstruction Amendments. -
Georgia Readmitted to the Union
Georgia went in Reconstruction from 1865 until 1871. Republican government and military occupation ended, Reconstruction transformed the state economically.