Abraham Lincon Assassinated
End of the Civil War
13th Amendment ratifide
Freemen's Bureau
It was established in the war department by an act of march 3,1865. No event matched the drama of the emancipation. -
14th Amendment Ratified
It granted Citizenship tp "all persons born or nuralized in the U.S." which included all slaves that had just been freed.It required three-foruths of the the states aproval but it was rejected by mots southeners. -
Henry McNeal Turner elected to Senate
Henry lived form 1834 to 1915. In the late 19th century he was known as an inspiring African American leader. Henry was elected to Senat in 1868. -
15th Amendment Ratified
Although ratified on Febuary 3,1870 the promide ofthe 15th Amendment would not br fully realized for amlost a century. Through the use of Poll Taxes ,Litaracy Test , and other means southeners were able to disenfranchise Afircan Americans. The majority of African Americans were able to vote. -
Georgia Readmitted to the Union
A defited Confederate state Georgia underwent Reconstruction from 1865, the end of the Civil War. Georgia's govenro Joseph E. Brown surendered to the Unio and was paroled. In late 1865 the Military Department of Georgia was established. -
Election of Rutherford B. Hayers
Brought executive mansion of dignity, honesty, and moderate. He was born in Ohio 1822. He als fought in the Civil War and was wounded in action.