Reconstruction 1865-1877

  • Period: to


  • “The Freedmen’s Bureau”

    “The Freedmen’s Bureau”
    The Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency that helped slaves during their lives of freedom. Three ways that they used to helped freedmen was: helping black and white poor people in the south, cheeking if all there is no more freedmen labor, and justice in freedmen cases.
  • “President Lincoln is Assassinated”

    “President Lincoln is Assassinated”
    The president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Andrew Johnson became the next president after the death of Lincoln.
  • “The 13th Amendment is Passed”

     “The 13th Amendment is Passed”
    The 13th Amendment made slavery illegal in the United States.
  • “Civil Rights Act of 1866”

    “Civil Rights Act of 1866”
    The Civil Rights Act helped African-Americans have equal rights.
  • “Ku Klux Klan”

    “Ku Klux Klan”
    The main goal of the original Ku Klux Klan was to stop the reconstruction policies of the radical republican congress because they wanted to keep "white supremacy", but as time passed by the clan became a dangerous terrorist clan.
  • “Military Reconstruction Acts”

    “Military Reconstruction Acts”
    The military reconstructions act divided the south military in 5, but it also helped African-Americans to hold office and vote, but they mostly did this to punish the south.
  • “Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment Trial”

    “Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment Trial”
    Andrew Johnson was not removed from the office because he had one vole less than the two thirds necessary.
  • “Election of Ulysses S. Grant”

    “Election of Ulysses S. Grant”
    Ulysses S. Grant time as a president was a scandal because the people that he worked with were crooks who stole from the government. He helped African-Americans and Natives by letting all race vote.
  • “14th Amendment”

    “14th Amendment”
    The 14th Amendment helped people with equal protection even for enslave people.
  • “15th Amendment”

    “15th Amendment”
    The 15th Amendment helped people of different color with their voting rights.
  • “Reconstruction Ends.”

    “Reconstruction Ends.”
    The troops that occupied the south to insure that laws were followed helped the reconstruction to end. The reconstruction ended with Rutherford B. Hayes as president, but most if the equal rights changed.