

  • ratification of the 13th amendment

    when all 11 ex-confederate states qualified to rejoin the union, rewrote their constitutions to fit the 13th amendment but left out the part about giving black people rights. Many former confederate leaders regained their seats in congress
  • Radical Republicans

    With the 13th amendment, the 3/5 rule is now over which means the south has now just gained over 3.5 million citizens which gives the south more power and more representatives in congress. Radical republicans like thaddeus Stevens extended military rule in which African-Americans could be educated under federal funded schools.
  • reconstruction acts of 1867

    When the north divided the south into 5 military districts and the south was under martial law of the union army until all ex-confederate states recognize the 14th amendment and give all adult males the right to vote regardless of race in order to rejoin the union.
  • ratification of the 14th amendment

    The 14th amendment gave all that were born or naturalized in the us citizenship which comes with the equal protection of the law and due process, this law is de jure but many communities still had a de facto way of thinking as change is not that fast
  • The ratification of the 15th amendment

    This amendment made it so that no one could deny a citizenś right to vote due to their race, color, or previous servitude. passed in 1869 ratified in 1870
  • Period: to


    sharecropping was the practice in which whites would get blacks to sign contracts that would put them down to permanent and unrestricted labor, in turn for occupying the land the farmer would pay rent through giving up half of his crop. The crop would pay for rent, seed, and any other farming supplies needed. This method gave poor farmers black and white a chance to make a living and gave the sharecroppers a chance to make a lot of money at the expense of people in need.
  • The amnesty act of 1872

    when northerns forgave the south for the past and removed the last restrictions on the south except for the ability to have ex-confederate generals and politicians in office. This allowed a lot of southern conservatives to vote for democrats to take control of government
  • the compromise of 1877

    the compromise that stopped federal support for republicans in the south and took away troops protecting African Americans.