Reconstruction by Ian

  • Liuncolns plan

    Liuncolns plan
    A southern state could form a new government after ten percent of its voters swore an oath of loyalty to the Union. Once it formed, the new government had to abolish slavery. Voters could then elect members of Congress and take part in the National government once again. This was also called the ten percent plan. Lincoln wanted the states to be together again yet when he died the republicans didn't let that happen
  • Period: to


  • radical republicans plan

    radical republicans plan
    To rejoin the Union, a state had to meet several requirements, First, a majority of white men in each southern state had to swear loyality to the Union. Second, only white males who swore they had not fought against the Union could vote or hold public office. Finally, any new state constitution had to ban slavery. This made it hard lincoln didn't want this. Yet the Republicans wanted to humiliate the south.
  • freedmen's bureau

    This provided assistance to emancipated African Americans. To make sure they had equal rights. So many Union soldiers went to the south to make sure this happened. This law was abolished in 1872.
  • Lincoln shot

    Lincoln shot
    Lincoln attends a play at Ford's Theater in Washington,D.C. There Lincoln gets shot by John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln had goten shot in the head. Lincoln died several hours later.
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    When Lincoln died Johnson became president. Johnson was born in the south but supported the union during the war. Johnson's plan would grant amnesty to most southerners once they swore loyalty to union.
  • Johnson's plan

    Johnson's plan
    Amnesty would be granted to most Southerners once they swore loyalty to the Union. Only loyal, pardoned whites were allowed to vote. States also had to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
  • Black codes

    Black codes
    Black codes were laws to control free men and women. They trampled the rights of all African Americans. This allowed plantation owners to exploit African American workers and allowed officials to arrest and fine jobless African Americans. Also banned African Americans from owning or renting land. These laws resembled slavery in many ways.
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    The 13th amendment was ratified. This abolished slavery. Slavery was no more yet the south tries to get around it with there own laws.
  • K.K.K

    A secret organization called the Ku Klux Klan is formed. This organization intimidates African Americans and restores white rule. They tormented African Americans and any whites with them. They also killed them.
  • reconstructon plan #1

    It required the creation of new governments in the ten Southern states that had not ratified the Fourteenth Amendment. African American men were guaranteed the right to vote and Confederate leaders could not hold political office. Southern states had to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment in order to rejoin the Union.
  • reconstructonj plan #2

    reconstructonj plan #2
    Congress passed the Second Radical Reconstruction Act. Military commanders in each southern district were required to reqister all voters. Also, they were to prepare for state constitutional conventions.
  • 14th amendment ratified

    14th amendment ratified
    The 14th amentment was ratified. This gave full citizenship to anyone born in the U.S. That means they get rights anyone else gets. Like being able to vote, own land, etc.
  • new president

    new president
    Ulysses SIMPSON Grant becomes our 18th president. He became president after Johnson was impeached. Ulysses use to be a former union general.
  • 41st congress 1870-1871

    41st congress 1870-1871
    During this time there were two black members in the House of Representatives. Robert Brown Elliot from the 3rd District in South Carolina was one of the people in House of Representatives.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    This came in to allow any citizen to vote. Yet with the 14th amendment African Americans were citizens so they could vote. Now that African Americans could vote it gave them so egual rights yet the southerners tried to take away their rights.
  • election of 1876

    election of 1876
    Grant was going for a third time yet the republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes. This was because they wanted the Liberal Republicans to join the republicans again.
  • Change in Politics

    Change in Politics
    There were Democrats that called themselves "Redeemers" because they had "redeemed" the South from Repulbican rule. The Redeemers adopted conservative poilitics, such as lower taxes and reduced government spending. They drastically cut many social services started during Reconstruction. Their one-party rule and conservative policies dominated Southern politics well into the 1900's.
  • economy in the south

    economy in the south
    Reconstruction helped the South rebuild its economy. Yet much of the south remained agriculteal and poor. African Americans gained greater equality, shared its government with whites, etc. Yet that didn't last long for African Americans.
  • South changed Socially

    South changed Socially
    Not all people were good to African Americans. Theyhad different things. There were only AfricanAmerican schoolsand only white schools. This was called segregation. It seperated them. For many decades it was like this.
  • Government change

    Government change
    It stripped the white power elite of their privilege, dismantled their way of life, and provided equal rights to those who had formerly been enslaved. This meant, in some places, that blacks suddenly held political office, and had power because they so outnumbered the whites. In reaction, the KKK was born to try to prevent the blacks from exercising their political power. Even under those conditions, however, the political structure still changed, because poor whites had more opportunity to gain