Black Codes
Black codes were laws to help freed slaves to follow rules. The rules did not alow certin things like buying a farm. Also if they did not have a job they could be arrested. -
The Fourtenth Amendment
The fourtenth amendment came along to not be able to overturn the civil rights act. It made sure that citizenship could not be taken away by making another law. It states that, "everyone was entitled to equal protection of the laws." This was not passed till1868. -
The Civil Rights Acts of 1866
The civil rights act is an act that makes sure everyone wheather they are colored, women, or white have equal rights. Andrew Johnson had the choice to veto or to pass the law. Althouth he chose to veto it the congress over powered him for the law to be pass. -
Reconstructon Act
The first reconstruction act was known as the millitary act which was passed over the veto of Andrew Johnson. The act split the states into five millitary districts. The first act also demanded the need for new state delagets and constitutions. -
the 15th amendement
The first part of the 15th amendement was "the right for every one to vote no matter what race color or previous condition of servitude". The second part was that "the congress shall have the power to enforce the artical by apropriate legislation". In other words this was passed to have voting rights.