Reconstruction and Race Timeline Katie Sottile

  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    The Black Codes were a set of laws which helped control the African Americans who had been recently freed from their jobs as slaves. However, this code of conduct was ultimately overwhelmingly unfair to the African Americans, since it made it simple for whites to take advantage of them. To many, the life they led under the Black Codes was hardly any better than the time they spent as slaves.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Civil Rights Act of 1866
    The Civil Rights Act was a law forced through Congress, courtesy of the Radical Republicans. This gave the US government the power to partake in state affairs in order to protect African Americans, and also granted African Americans with US citizenship. Ultimately, then-President Johnson shot the idea down, vetoing the bills, concluding that the government had overstepped their boundaries.
  • Reconstruction Acts

    Reconstruction Acts
    By 1867, 10 states still refused to sign off on the 14th Amendment. As a result, Congress crafted the First Reconstruction Act. This law ultimately forced the rebelling states to form new governments. In addition, they also had to submit fresh state constitution to the United States government. This act finally gave African American men the ability to vote, as well.
    Shortly-there-after, a Second Reconstruction Act was created, helping to organize state constituional conventions.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    After the 1868 election had passed, former President Andrew Johnson was dethroned, and Yankee Ulysses S. Grant took over as commander in chief. However, just because there was a fresh face, the US was still in the Reconstruction state of mind, in that they passed yet another law, specfically the 15th Amendment. This amendment promised that any male, United States citizen would be promitted to vote, no matter what color their skin was.
  • The 14th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment
    Following the 13th Amendment, which paved the way to ending slavery, Congress concocted the 14th Amendment, as well. This amendment stated that anyone born in US was, and should've been considered a citizen of the United States. This addition to the Constitution ensured that African Americans who were born in the US were still citizens, no matter what race they might've been.