Period: to
Reconstruction and Jim Crow
Freedmen’s Bureau created
Acted as a welfare type of system. In charge of clothing, feeding, and teaching the newly freed slaves. It helped mold the difference between slave and freeman, before the bureau, salves had little knowledge of American lifstyle. -
Reconstruction plan
Secceded states could join back in Union if 50% of people took oath, and each states ratified the 13th. -
Black Codes
Forced black to participate in "Sharecropping" -
Ku Klux Klan
Southerners who were angered by the success of black legislators who worked through intimidation. -
Reconstruction Act
Divided the South into 5 military districts, to be commanded by UNion generals. -
Purchase of Alaska
Bought because America felt they owed Russia one for helping them in the Civil War -
Civil Rights Act of 1875
guaranteed equal accommodations in public places, but was denied, calling it unconstitutional to the 14th amendment -
Jim Crow Laws
Caused the segregation of different facilities for different ethnicities until the 1960's -
Knights of Labor
Formed secretely to combine colored and non colored workers together. -
Period: to
Gilded Age
Industrializing the South
Machine made ciggerette maker spiked southern economy -
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Excludes black women -
Spanish-American War
If anything good that came from the war, bondage between the South and North was key