

  • Period: to


  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    The freedmen's Bureau was created after the civil war, with the purpose of providing relief to southerners both Black and White. It was the first large-scale relief organization that provided food, clothing, jobs, medical services and so on.
  • Civil War ends

    Civil War ends
    After 4 years of war between the North and the South, the civil war ends in 1865. The end of the civil war started a time period known as Reconstruction, a time period where the south needed rebuilding.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a southerner named John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theather. This was provoked when Lincoln suggested that smart blacks and black veterans should be allowed to vote. Andrew Johnson then became president.
  • 13th Amendment ratified

    13th Amendment ratified
    In January of 1865, Congress proposed the 13th Amendment making slavery illegal throughout the U.S. It was then ratified and took effect In December of 1865.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Civil Rights Act of 1866
    In 1866 congress passed the Civil Rights Act that gave African Americans the same rights as whites. President Johnson originally vetoed it however, Congress still passed it.
  • Memphis Race Riot

    Memphis Race Riot
    This was a racial violence massacre that took place in Memphis Tennessee from May 1 to 3rd. It was a riot in which after a shooting between white police and black war veterans. Huge mobs of whites attacked black families.
  • New Orleans Race Riot

    New Orleans Race Riot
    This riot occurred during a violent conflict between white Democrats and mostly black Republicans. Instead of police officers helping, they participated in it. Overall 34 black were killed and 3 white Radicals were killed.
  • 1st Reconstruction Act

    1st Reconstruction Act
    The 1st Reconstruction Act divided the South into five military districts, which would be governed by the U.S. military until a new government was established. This act invalidated southern state governments approved by Johnson. It also forced the southern states to ratify the 14th amendment.
  • 2nd Reconstruction Act

    2nd Reconstruction Act
    The 2nd Reconstruction Act was passed to protect African Americans voting rights. It placed Union troops in charge of voter registration.
  • 4th Reconstruction Act

    4th Reconstruction Act
    This act states that any election after March 23, 1867, will be decided by a majority of votes. Furthermore, any person register may vote in their states.
  • 3rd Reconstruction Act

    3rd Reconstruction Act
    The third Reconstruction Acts gave power to the five Union generals overseeing Reconstruction in the five districts of the South. The generals had the power to remove any official, elected from office if they believed the official to delay rather than speed up the process of Reconstruction.
  • 14th Amendement.

    14th Amendement.
    The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States. This provided equal protection of the laws, especially to former slaves.
  • Grant Elected President

    Grant Elected President
    In 1869, Ulysses S. Grant was elected the 18th President of the United States. Grant was in favor of the reconstruction and so he worked toward implementing it.
  • 1st Black Senator Elected

    1st Black Senator Elected
    The first Black Senator was a well-educated man named Hiram Revels. He represented Mississipi in the U.S senate.
  • 15th Amendement Ratified

    15th Amendement Ratified
    The 15th Amendment states that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." This gave African American men the right to vote.
  • 1st Black Governor Elected

    1st Black Governor Elected
    Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback was the first Black Governor. He was the Governor of Louisiana. He later became lieutenant governor.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Civil Rights Act of 1875
    This act guaranteed access to transportation, and hotels for African Americans It also repealed black codes, removed restrictions on workers and prevented A.A being excluded from jury duty. Later on, this Act became unconstitutional.
  • Compromise of 1876

    Compromise of 1876
    This compromise was an unwritten deal that settled the 1876 U.S. presidential election. This compromise allowed Hayes to become president. It resulted in the U.S federal government pulling its last troops out of the south.
  • Reconstruction ends

    Reconstruction ends
    After Hayes became president, he removed federal troups from the South and ultimately ended the Reconstruction era. He was never a fan of reconstruction to began with. Eventually, slowly but surely, Congress lost its interest in Reconstruction and focused on economics instead.