

  • 711

    Invasion of moors in Spain.

  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Don Pelayo, the rule of kingdom of Asturias wins. Reconquista begins.
  • 951

    Ramiro II

    Ramiro II
    King of Leon defeats the moors in several battles.
  • 1065

    Kingdom of Castilla with Sancho II

    Kingdom of Castilla with Sancho II
  • 1085

    Capture of Toledo by Alfonso VI

    Capture of Toledo by Alfonso VI
    Castilla y Leon kingdom is bigger.
  • 1094

    El Cid captures Valencia.

    El Cid captures Valencia.
    El Cid captures Valencia, in the name of Alfonso VI. The city later returns to Moorish rule.
  • 1212

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa.

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa.
    The kingdoms of Aragon, Castilla, Navarra and Portugal unite to defeat the Moors
  • Period: 1228 to 1248

    Fernando III

    Fernando III captures Cordoba, Huelva, Ecija, Murcia, Lorca, Cartagena, Jaen, Alicante and Sevilla
  • Period: 1229 to 1235

    Jaime I. (king of Aragon) conquers the Baleares and Valencia.

  • 1262

    Alfonso X, "El sabio", captures Cádiz.

    Alfonso X, "El sabio", captures Cádiz.
  • 1469

    Marriage of Fernando II (Aragon) and Isabel I (Castilla)

    Marriage of Fernando II (Aragon) and Isabel I (Castilla)
    They unify kingdoms.
  • 1492

    Boabdil surrenders Grandada to the Christians.