Recent Chinese History

  • Mao Zedong dies

    Mao Zedong dies
    Dies of naturally occuring sickness.This ends a regime of dictatorship, but communism continues under the leardership of Deng Xiaopeng.
  • One-Child Policy Started

    One-Child Policy Started
    Created to help the social, economical, and social enviorment of china under control.
  • China Joins International Atomic Energy Agency

    China Joins International Atomic Energy Agency
    China also creates the China Atomic Energy Authoritz to regulated Atomic Energy use inside the nation.
  • Compulsory Educaton Law Created

    Compulsory Educaton Law Created
    The law guarantees young children the right to receive at least nine years of education. This was very effective in creating a educated, progressive nation.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Tiananmen Square Massacre
    Mainly students and other protestors storm Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Deng xiaopeng takes military action in response. 200 people were killed in masacre, thousands more were imprisoned.
  • Three Gorges Dam Project Started

    When the Plans were first put in place, they expected to be finished by 2009. When the project is completed finally completed, there will be:(about) 13 cities, 120 towns, 1,800 villages, 17,000 acres of farmland, and 200 ancient tombs will be submerged. The project is still in process today
  • Death of Deng Xiaopeng

    Death of Deng Xiaopeng
    China loses the leader of the westernization of china. famous saying, "Whether a cat is black or white makes no difference. As long as it catches mice, it is a good cat."
  • NATO bombs Chineser embassy in Belgrade

    NATO bombs Chineser embassy in Belgrade
    The bombing was a deliberate attempt to stop the transmision of Yugoslavian army communictaions from the embassey. President Clinton says it was a mistake to bomb the embassey.
  • China continues One-Child Policy

    China continues One-Child Policy
    In order to continue the decrease of population, the Government writes in the White Paper of Population that it would continue the policy for another 50 yrs.
  • Chinese-American plane collison

    Chinese-American plane collison
    While in flight over international waters, a U.S. EP-3 (spy plane) was hit by a chinese F-8 jet, causing the EP-3 to make an emergency landing in Hainin. Tension between the United States and China tighten.
  • Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony

    Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony
    China took the chance to show the world what it had become very well. they used the olympic games to put their stamp on the world.