rebuilding a country (please grade this one)

  • black codes

    black codes
    in early 1866 laws called "Black codes were made to control the African American population which had just been freed from Slavery. But the laws made it illeagle for African Americans to own or rent farms. Also the Black codes allowed officals to arest or fine African Americans which didn't have jobs. but at the same time of the black codes, Congress wastrying to protect the rights of African Americans in the South. Later in 1866 special courts were set up to try people of violating their rights
  • Civil rights act of 1866

    Civil rights act of 1866
    In 1866 Congress gave the civil rights act to Federal government power. The laws allowed the federal government to get involved in stae afairs which protected African American rights. the act was also to counter the Dred scott Case. but the Suprem court stated that African Americans were not citizens. President Johnson argue that what congress was doing was un constitutional and that Congress was exceeding Johnson's authority.
  • the first and second reconstruction acts

    the first and second reconstruction acts
    The first reconstruction act required states staes to form new governments, on was tennessee which ratified it's own government and rejoined the union. the first act also divided 10 states into military districts. the second act empowered the army to register voters in each of the districts. Also the second act helped organize constitional conventions. But many southerners refused to take part in the elections and constitional convetions.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    unlike the thirteenth amendment, the Fourteenth amendment stated that Citizenship couldn't be taken awayby passing another law. the Fourteenth amendment also clearly stated that if any state barred any adilt male and said they couldn't vote that stae would losse representation to congress. it also encluded former confederateleaders from any national or stae office.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    by the late 1860's most of the southern states had rejoined the union. In 1869 the 15th amendment was purposed, the amendment guaranted both states and governments could not deny the right to vote to anyone because of their race, color, or sercitude. Finally it was thought the power would protect the African Americans from unfair treatment by White people.