Rebecca Nurse

  • Period: to

    Rebecca Nurse

  • Birth

    Rebecca Nurse was born somewhere around 1621.
  • Baptisum

    Rebecca was baptised into the Puritan Church.
  • Christmas

    Governor William Bradford forbids game playing on Christmas.
  • Indians

    Indian attacks kill one third of the settlers in Virginia.
  • The Maypole at Mare Mount

    The Maypole at Mare Mount
    A Massachusetts colony is established that spends all its time dancing around a maypole to worship the Roman Goddess Glora.
  • Law against certian clothing

    Law against certian clothing
    Massachusetts sumptuary law forbodes the purchase of woolen, linen, or silk and clothes with gold, silver, silk, or lace on them.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    After being expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Roger Williams founds Rhode Island, which becomes the first English colony to grant complete religous tolerance.
  • Banishment of Anne Hutchinson

    Banishment of Anne Hutchinson
    Massachusetts banishes Anne Hutchinson for preaching that faith alone was sufficent for salvation.
  • Christmas

    Massachusetts forbad the celebration of Christmas.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    King Philip's War begins.The most deadly fights will take place in this war, between the New England colonists, the Mohegans, the Naragansetts, the Nipmucks, the Podunks, and the Wampanoags.
  • Charter

    Charles the second revokes Massachusetts Charter on the grounds that it had imposed religious qualifications for voting, discriminated against the Church of England, and an illegal mint.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The First french and Indian War, King William's War begins. Colonists launch attacks on Port Royal, Nova Scotia, and Quebec, and the French and their Indian allies burn Schenectady. The 1697 Treaty of Ryswick restored the pre-war status quo.
  • Warrent issued

    Warrent issued
    On March 23 1692, a warrent was issued for her arrest. When Rebecca was told she was being accused of being a witch by her friends, she said, "If it be so, the will of the Lord be done...I am as innocent as the child unborn;but surely, what sin hath Godfound out in me unrepented of , that he should lay such an afflictionupon me in my old age."
  • Questioning

    When Rebecca was questioned, the girls who claimmed to be afflicted by her testified against her.
  • Further Examination

    Further Examination
    Rebecca was sent to jail till her further examination could take place. During her further examination, 39 people in her community brought forth a petition they signed claiming she was not a witch.
  • Court of Oyer and Terminer

    Court of Oyer and Terminer
    Rebecca was tried and found not guilty. Later, the afflicted girls would have multiple fits. So they tried her again and she was found guilty.
  • Excommunication

    She was not allowed to go to Church and she was shunned by the Church.
  • Death

    Rebecca was hung because people thought she was a witch.
  • Join the church

    Join the church
    Rebecca Nurse's family was allowed back into the Puritan Church.
  • Period: to

    Rebecca Nurse

  • Compensation

    Rebecca Nurse's family was compensated financial for their lose of Rebecca Nurse. This is the Puritan Church's way of saying, "I'm sorry" for what we did.