Honoré de Balzac begins to work on "La Comédie humaine" ("The Human Comedy")
Gustave Flaubert publishes "Madame Bovary"
Charles Dickens publishes "Great Expectations"
The emancipation of the serfs in Russia
Fyodor Dostoevsky publishes "Notes from Underground"
Abraham Lincoln is assassinated and Andrew Johnson becomes president.
Passage of the Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery in the U.S.
Passage of the Fourteenth Amendment grants citizenship to all people born in the U.S., including former slaves.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony establish the National Woman Association.
Leo Tolstoy publishes "War and Peace"
Passage of the Fifteenth Amendment grants voting rights to all qualified men, regardless of race or previous condition of servitude.
The British Parliament passes a bill providing public elementary education in England and Wales
George Eliot publishes "Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life"
Financial panic leads economic depression in U.S.
Civil Rights Act guarantees all Americans, regardless of race; equal access to public accommodations.
Leo Tolstoy publishes "Anna Karenina"
Founding of Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Union
Supreme Court declares Civil Rights Act of 1875.
Literacy continues spreading throughout Europe
Wyoming is the first state to give women the right to vote.
William McKinley is assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt becomes president.
Formation of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People