136 Days Before
Miles moves from Florida to attend bording school in alabama called culver creek to find his great perhapd. Later that day he meets his room mate chip and his friend alaska. -
126 Days Before
Miles tells Chip he was thrown into the lake and in class miles show chip who did it -
Miles meets chips girl friend sarah while they are yelling and screaming at each other -
Miles get kicked out of religon class and alaska standes up for him and leaves to -
Miles goes to his first culver creek Basket ball game -
101 Days Befor
Miles,Alaska,Chip,takumi and alaskas friend Lara got to Mcdonalds to study -
!00 Days Befor
Miles Asks Alaska why her name is what it is and she explains it to him -
99 Days Before
The Eagle catches miles, Alaska and chip smoking by the pond and are sent to school court and Chip and Alaska take the fall -
87 Days Before
Alaska sets miles and lara u on a triple half date with Alaska and her boyfriend Jake they go to the basketball game and miles get hit in the head and throws up on Laras pants -
76 Days Before
Alaskas room gets flooded by the weekday warriers -
67 Days Before
Takumi tells miles that Alaska was the one who rated out her room mate beacasue the eagle caught her trying to sneakout and had to rat them out to stay at school. -
58 Days Before
Alaska asks mile to stay at school for thanksgiving so he calls home and his parent say yes but when he changes his mind his parents already bught tickets to London. -
51 Days Before
Miles and Alaska sneak into the weekday warriers room to come up with a plan to get them back for fludding Alaskas Room -
49 Days Before
Alaska and Miles go out looking for porn in other students dorm rooms -
47 Days Before
The colonel come and invites Miles and alaska up to him house for thanksgiving -
44 Days After
After Miles and Alaska hve returned to school Alaska shows up at miles room crying and tells him she told chip she rated the other students out and hes never gonna trust her now. -
8 Days Before
Alaska Plan a Pre prank where miles and Takumi light fire works all over campus while Lara and Alaska put hair die in to the weekday warriers gel while chip prnts ou fake midterms -
2 Days Before
Alaska Tells Everyone How her mother died of an anyurism and she was to yung and didnt call 911 -
1 Day Before
The Group Return to school after camping out in the farm house. -
The Last Day
Miles and Lara have oral sex and later that night alaska miles and the colonel get drunk and decide to play truth or dare and alaska dares miles to hook up with her but she gets triend and says another time and that night alaska woke up in a panic and ran to the phone and asked miles and the colonel to help her get out sobbing -
The Day After
The eagle call everyone to the gym and anounces that alsaka was killed in a terrible car acident -
2 Days After
Everyone is Trying to cope with Alaskas death and the colonel get fruterated an goes on a walk -
4 Days After
Colonel Returns from his 84 mile walk -
6 Days After
The group all arive sepretly bu early to attend Alaskas Funeral in Alabama -
7 Days After
The Eagle asks The colonel and miles to go clean out Alaskas room and mile finds her favourite boot The General Nad his Labrinth -
13 Days After
Miles and the colonel go to the police station to find out more about Alaskas Death -
14 Days After
Miles and the Colonel look into possibility of suicide for Alaskas death but later conclude thats wasnt the case -
27 Days After
Miles Distracts the eagle while the colonel steal his breathelizer and tesl alaska to see how drunk she was -
29 Days After
the colonel call jake and says its his fault and asks him is she was going to him and he says no. -
37 Days after
Miles runs into Lara, they havent talk in a long time and all they say to each other is that their sorry -
45 Days After
Miles Takumi and the Colobel go to get cigerettes -
62 Days After
Miles Calls his mom and niticed tulips alaska was dudiling and relized she forgot the aniversiry of her mothers Death -
69 Days After
The Group Discuss a prank in memory of Alaska -
102 Days Late
they Had a stripper do a speach to the school and he started taking of his clothes the eagle didnt get mad. -
118 Days After
Miles and The Colonel drive through wher alaska was killed -
122 Days After
Dr,Hyde gives the question for the students final and its, How will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering -
136 Days Before
School is ending soon and miles gets a note from Takumi yaing he saw alaska before she was killed and miles writes his way out of the labyrinth