Reagan timeline of events

  • Invasion of Grenada

    Invasion of Grenada
    The U.S. and a coalition of six Caribbean nations invaded the island nation of Grenada, 100 miles north of Venezuela. Code named Operation Urgent Fury by the U.S. military, it resulted in military occupation within a few days.
  • Social Security reform becomes law

    Social Security reform becomes law
    The Social Security Act was signed into law by President Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. In addition to several provisions for general welfare, the new Act created a social insurance program designed to pay retired workers age 65 or older a continuing income after retirement.
  • Fifty-two American hostages held in Iran released

    Fifty-two American hostages held in Iran released
    a group of Iranian students stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking more than 60 American hostages.
  • Soviet grain embargo lifted

    Soviet grain embargo lifted
    The United States grain embargo against the Soviet Union was enacted by Jimmy Carter in January 1980 in response to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. It remained in effect until Ronald Reagan ended it in 1981 upon taking the office of president.
  • Reagan inaugurated

    Reagan inaugurated
    he was the 40th president of the united states
  • Reagan shot

    Reagan shot
    President Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C. as he was returning to his limousine after a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel.
  • Reagan and air-traffic controllers strike

    Reagan and air-traffic controllers strike
    On August 5, following the PATCO workers' refusal to return to work, Reagan fired the 11,345 striking air traffic controllers who had ignored the order, and banned them from federal service for life.
  • Sandra Day O’Connor nominated to Supreme Court

    Sandra Day O’Connor nominated to Supreme Court
    Sandra Day O'Connor was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Reagan, thus fulfilling his 1980 campaign promise to appoint the first woman to the highest court in the United States.
  • Military buildup (B-1 Bomber and MX missiles)

    Military buildup (B-1 Bomber and MX missiles)
    this is when Reagan decided to increase are air force and also are mx missles
  • Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act

    Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act
    also known as TEFRA, is a United States federal law that rescinded some of the effects of the Kemp-Roth Act passed the year before
  • Reagan addresses Parliament in England

    Reagan addresses Parliament in England
    in the first speech by an American president to a meeting of both houses of the British Parliament, President Ronald Reagan presents his hope for a future that would leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    nicknamed the "Star Wars program", was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons
  • Suicide bombers attack U.S. Marines in Lebanon (1983)

    Suicide bombers attack U.S. Marines in Lebanon (1983)
    A suicide bomber drives a truck packed with explosives into the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 U.S. military personnel.
  • Farm credit crises (Feb 1985)

    Farm credit crises (Feb 1985)
    Tight money policies by the Federal Reserve intended to bring down high interest rates upwards of 21% caused farmland value to drop 60% in some parts of the Midwest from 1981 to 1985.
  • Embargo on Nicaragua South African sanctions

    Embargo on Nicaragua South African sanctions
    the Reagan administration was aiding the Contrast in Nicaragua against the elected government.
  • U.S. illegally sells arms to Iran (Iran-Contra Affair)

    U.S. illegally sells arms to Iran (Iran-Contra Affair)
    Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.
  • Reagan, Gorbachev hold summit in Switzerland

    Reagan, Gorbachev hold summit in Switzerland
    The Geneva Summit, the first meeting between U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Reagan and Gorbachev meet in Iceland Democrats gain seats (Nov 1986)

    Reagan and Gorbachev meet in Iceland Democrats gain seats (Nov 1986)
    was a summit meeting between U.S. president Ronald Reagan and General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev.
  • Space Shuttle Challenger explosion (Reagan Speech)

    Space Shuttle Challenger explosion (Reagan Speech)
    Reagan said. “We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and 'slipped the surly bonds of earth' to 'touch the face of God.
  • Reagan delivers his first State of the Union

    Reagan delivers his first State of the Union
    The 1986 State of the Union Address was given by the 40th President of the United States,
  • Water Quality Control Act

    Water Quality Control Act
    establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters.
  • Gorbachev, Reagan sign treaty (1987)

    Gorbachev, Reagan sign treaty (1987)
    This landmark agreement proposed to eliminate all intermediate and short-range ground-based missiles and launchers from Europe.
  • Sanctions on Poland

    Sanctions on Poland
    two years before the collapse of communist regimes across Eastern Europe, President Ronald Reagan lifted all U.S. sanctions against Poland.
  • Tower Commission concludes report (1987)

    Tower Commission concludes report (1987)
    concluded that CIA Director William Casey, who supported the Iran-Contra arrangement, should have taken over the operation and made the president aware of the risks and notified Congress as legally required.
  • Berlin Wall Speech in West Berlin (1987)

    Berlin Wall Speech in West Berlin (1987)
    U.S. President Ronald Reagan spoke near the wall in front of Berlin's famous Brandenburg Gate.
  • Spending speech (increase defense, decrease taxes)

    Spending speech (increase defense, decrease taxes)
    During the first year of Reagan's presidency, federal income tax rates were lowered significantly with the signing of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, which lowered the top marginal tax bracket from 70% to 50% and the lowest bracket from 14% to 11%.
  • Reagan visits Soviet Union (1988)

    Reagan visits Soviet Union (1988)
    The Reagan Administration implemented a new policy towards the Soviet Union through NSDD-32 (National Security Decisions Directive) to confront the USSR on three fronts
  • Reagan prohibits abortion assistance (1988)

    Reagan prohibits abortion assistance (1988)
    Reagan pasted a bill that prohibited the assistance of abortion
  • Reagan says farewell

    Reagan says farewell
    he was the 40th president of the united states and he served two terms