Reagan Timeline

By tmw0712
  • Water Quality Control Act

    made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained: EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls discharges.
  • Iran Hostage crisis

    American Hostages held in Iran released
  • Reagan Inaugurated

    Reagan becomes president
  • Reagan Spending speech

    Trickle down economics/reaganomics
  • Reagan Shot

    Assassination attempt, Reagan wounded but recovered.
  • Soviet Grain Embargo Lifted

    Grain Embargo against the Soviet Union was enacted by Jimmy Carter in January 1980 in response to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. It remained in effect until Ronald Reagan ended it in 1981 upon taking the office of president.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor Nominated into Supreme Court

    Reagan appointed first woman into congress
  • Military Buildup

    B1 stealth bomber and MX ICBM ($180.3 Billion)
  • Reagan and air-traffic controllers strike

    the Reagan administration fired the 11,345 striking air traffic controllers who had ignored the order, and banned them from federal service for life
  • Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act

    created in order to reduce the budget gap by generating revenue through closure of tax loopholes, introduction of tougher enforcement of tax rules
  • Sanctions on Poland

    President Reagan ordered a series of economic reprisals against the Polish government yesterday and warned that he is prepared to impose more serious sanctions against both Poland and the Soviet Union if "the outrages in Poland do not cease."
  • Reagan addresses Parliament in England

    first speech by an American president to a meeting of both houses of the British Parliament
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    The Strategic Defense Initiative, nicknamed the "Star Wars program", was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons.
  • Social Security reform becomes law

    Social Security reform becomes law
  • Suicide bombers attack U.S. Marines in Lebanon (1983)

    241 US service personnel – including 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel – are killed by a truck bomb at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon
  • Invasion of Grenada

    The U.S. and a coalition of six Caribbean nations invaded the island nation of Grenada
  • Embargo on Nicaragua

    Reagan prohibited all trade with Nicaragua
  • U.S. illegally sells arms to Iran (Iran-Contra Affair)

    illegally sold old arms to Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.
  • Reagan, Gorbachev hold summit in Switzerland

    The two leaders met for the first time to hold talks on international diplomatic relations and the arms race.
  • Farm credit crises (Feb 1985)

    Farmer Dale Burr of Lone Tree, Iowa, walked into the Hills Bank and Trust and killed his banker. Before leaving for town, he had shot and killed his wife. When he returned home, he shot and killed a neighbor, then killed himself.
  • Space Shuttle Challenger explosion (Reagan Speech)

    Space Shuttle exploded and Reagan gave speech to honor them
  • Reagan delivers his first State of the Union

    Reagan delivers his first State of the Union
  • South African sanctions

    The law imposed sanctions against South Africa and stated five preconditions for lifting the sanctions that would essentially end the system of apartheid, which the latter was under at the time.
  • Reagan and Gorbachev meet in Iceland

    resulted in a sweeping nuclear arms-control agreement in which the nuclear weapons of both sides would be dismantled.
  • Democrats gain seats (Midterm elections-Nov 1986)

    Democrats gained 8 seats and stole majority in senate
  • Tower Commission concludes report (1987)

    concluded that CIA Director William Casey, who supported the Iran-Contra arrangement, should have taken over the operation and made the president aware of the risks and notified Congress as legally required.
  • Berlin Wall Speech in West Berlin (1987)

    Gorbachev, tear down this wall
  • Gorbachev, Reagan sign treaty (1987)

    Ends cold war
  • Reagan prohibits abortion assistance (1988)

    President Reagan will soon announce rules prohibiting abortions and abortion counseling by family planning programs that receive Federal funds
  • Reagan visits Soviet Union (1988)

    Reagan and Gorbachev finalized the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
  • Reagan says farewell

    Gives last speech before leaving office after 2 terms