Reagan Events

  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    Minutes after Reagan inauguration 52 hostages were released from Iran. They were held for 444 days.
  • First Inauguration of Reagan

    First Inauguration of Reagan
    Reagan became the 40th President of the United States.
  • Spending Speech

    Spending Speech
    Reagan proposes increased defense spending and decreased taxes and domestic spending in his speech.
  • Reagan Shot

    Reagan Shot
    Reagan was shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. while returning to his limousine after a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton.
  • Soviet grain embargo lifted

    Soviet grain embargo lifted
    Reagan lifted the grain embargo trade once stocks and commodity markets closed for the weekend.
  • Reagan and air-traffic controllers strike

    Reagan and air-traffic controllers strike
    PATCO workers refused to work breaking a 1955 law. 11,345 workers were fired
  • Sandra Day O’Connor nominated to Supreme Court

    Sandra Day O’Connor nominated to Supreme Court
    Sandra was nominated to Supreme Court full-filling Reagan's promise on having a woman on the highest court.
  • Military buildup (B-1 Bomber and MX missiles)

    Military buildup (B-1 Bomber and MX missiles)
    Reagan asks for 100 MX's and 100 B-1 Bombers to upgrade nation's nuclear forces.
  • Sanctions on Poland

    Sanctions on Poland
    Reagan ordered a series economic reprisals on Polish Government
  • Reagan delivers his first State of the Union

    Reagan delivers his first State of the Union
    Reagan delivers his first State of Union remarking historical significance of the tradition.
  • Reagan addresses Parliament in England

    Reagan addresses Parliament in England
    Reagan addresses both houses of Parliament.
  • Tax Equity ; Fiscal Responsibility Act

    Tax Equity ; Fiscal Responsibility Act
    federal legislation passed to cut budget deficit through federal spending cuts, tax increases and reform measures.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    Nicknamed Star Wars Program, it was a proposed missile defense system that would protect the United States from nuclear weapons
  • Social Security reform becomes law

    Social Security reform becomes law
    Made comprehensive changes to Social Security Coverage, financing and benefit structure. Was fully signed into law Jan 1 1984.
  • Invasion of Grenada

    Invasion of Grenada
    An Action to protect U.S citizens living on the island, including medical students.
  • Farm credit crises (Feb 1985)

    Farm credit crises (Feb 1985)
    A reform and shrink of the Federal Farm Support Program
  • Embargo on Nicaragua

    Embargo on Nicaragua
    Reagan prohibited all trade between Nicaragua and the U.S
  • Reagan, Gorbachev hold summit in Switzerland

    Reagan, Gorbachev hold summit in Switzerland
    Summit was held with Switzerland to talk about international diplomatic relations
  • Space Shuttle Challenger explosion (Reagan Speech)

    Space Shuttle Challenger explosion (Reagan Speech)
    Reagan gave a speech to honor the lost 7 lives from the explosion of the Space Shuttle.
  • South African sanctions

    South African sanctions
    Key was to isolate South Africa.
  • Reagan and Gorbachev meet in Iceland Democrats gain seats (Nov 1986)

    Reagan and Gorbachev meet in Iceland Democrats gain seats (Nov 1986)
    Meeting on arms control
  • U.S. illegally sells arms to Iran (Iran-Contra Affair)

    U.S. illegally sells arms to Iran (Iran-Contra Affair)
    deal that traded missiles
  • Water Quality Control Act

    Water Quality Control Act
    Bill that would would provide sewage treatment
  • Tower Commission concludes report (1987)

    Tower Commission concludes report (1987)
    Investigation over Iran Contra Affair
  • Berlin Wall Speech in West Berlin (1987)

    Berlin Wall Speech in West Berlin (1987)
    Speech over tearing the wall down
  • Gorbachev, Reagan sign treaty (1987)

    Gorbachev, Reagan sign treaty (1987)
    Treaty signed about Nuclear Forces.
  • Reagan prohibits abortion assistance (1988)

    Reagan prohibits abortion assistance (1988)
    Prohibited family planning centers from assisting in abortions
  • Reagan visits Soviet Union (1988)

    Reagan visits Soviet Union (1988)
    Summit ends and cold war ended
  • Reagan says farewell

    Reagan says farewell
    After two terms Reagan delivers his farewell speech.