Reading timeline

By valv01
  • First grade

    When I was in elementary school I was introduced to reading
  • Second grade

    Reading was necessary in my classes but I was not a big fan
  • Interest was sparked

    Since I knew it was almost mandatory for me to read everyday after school, I started taking an interest in it
  • Third grade

    Reading was a priority my mom made me focus on to help with my english language
  • Fourth grade

    Once I began reading I was very intrigued and would want to continue doing so
  • Motivation and inspiration

    My oldest sister enjoyed reading so she would encourage me to do the same
  • Book fair events

    With my interest at its peak, I would enjoy going to the school book fair and discovering new books
  • Falling out

    A difficult event took place forcing me and my family to relocate to our home country, Mexico
  • Down time

    With a new language in place, I no longer focused as much on reading since I thought it was a waste of time
  • Reconnecting

    For many years, I didn't touch a book. Until maybe last year, my sister reinsured my love for books and now I even have e-reader.