Literacy Timeline

By MaddenE
  • Reading Spots

    Reading Spots
    In Kindergarten, we had reading spots that we went to everyday during reading time. I had a bin filled with all kinds of books that I was interested in and it had my number on it. This was a moment where I could relax from the school day and knew I would be going home afterwards. Although I think I did not get much reading done, I was terrible at focusing.
  • The Book Fair

    The Book Fair
    In the First Grade, I had been looking forward to the book fair. My mom had given me some money to spend, but told me I had to buy books with it and not just the toys at the cash register. I ended up buying two books that I really liked and a bookmark. I also got a slap bracelet that my mom was not thrilled about.
  • ¨ Wilma Jean the Worry Machine ¨

    ¨ Wilma Jean the Worry Machine ¨
    School has always made me feel anxious. In Second Grade it had become a lot worse and my teacher requested me to see a guidance counselor regularly. The guidance counselor suggested reading to calm down my nerves, specifically a book that I could connect with. The book we found was ¨Wilma Jean the Worry Machine¨. This book covered the feelings I had come across and allowed me to feel seen and taught me I was not the only one who had anxiety.
  • My ¨Junie B. Jones¨ Addiction.

    My ¨Junie B. Jones¨ Addiction.
    In the 3rd Grade, I found a series called ¨Junie B. Jones¨ Even though reading had not been my favorite school activity, I had really enjoyed reading this series. My favorite one had been ¨Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business. I ended up reading most of the books and found them very funny.