Reading log 2013

  • The floods how wants to be a billionier

    The floods how wants to be a billionier
    I would recomend this book for people who like a good laugh.
    The book was very interesting and I would reccomend this for action and comedy lovers. This book is about a family who are witches and wizards . They go to a summer school in New York in the holidays and their homework task is to find out who can make the most money. Through out the book the family is eagerly trying to beat each other at making the most money. One person decides to take away this people love and then sell them 4 money.
  • Floods, Playschool

    Floods, Playschool
    This book is about a little girl named Betty Flood who is a little girl who is the only normal girl in her family. But Betty doesn't want to be normal she wants to be like her older brothers. Betty wants to go to quickline college. Her parents dont realize that Betty has got magic inside but every spell that Betty does never turns out how she wants it to.
  • Thea Silton Gosht of the shipwreak

    Thea Silton Gosht of the shipwreak
    This book is about five girls who are secert agents and they write about there adventures. This adventure is about the girls have to fly to China to figure out a mysteriy. I would reccomend this book for adventure lovers. When the girls arrive in China they have to dive to the bottom of the ocean to try and stop the bad people from stealing the treasure. When they solve that mystery the get another one to go and save another treasure. They have to go to the wall of China to get the treasure.
  • the magic whizz pop chocolate shop

    Lilt and Oz had to move houses because their house was rotting. When their family moved in they discovered someone else was living here in a little room called the whizz pop chocolate shop. Their names were demera the invisible cat and a rat. they kept these moulds which an evil guy called Isadore wanted them but he was unfortunate because he couldnt find them and he murdered his brother because he wanted the chocolate mould but he never found them because demrera had the moulds in a room.
  • Cookies

  • Queenie

    This book is about a 12 year old girl named Elsie who lives with her nana. In the winter they would cuddle together to keep warm. One day her nana doesn’t get better and she goes to work as normal. Elsie waits at home for her nana to come back from work normally her nana is back 8.00 sharp but for some weird reason she wasn’t back. At 9.00 the police and one of her nana cleaning friends show up. The police say that her nana has TP in her lungs and has to live in a sanitarium until she gets bett
  • The double life of cassiel roadnight

  • Charlie and the chocolate factorie

  • The great glass elevator

  • Lily Alone

    Lily Alone
    Lily alone is about a 12 year old girl named Lily whose mother goes to Vanuatu with her 18 year old boyfriend who doesn’t even know that Lily and her little brother and sisters exists. Lily is left alone to fend for her family when the police and everyone being suspicious. What will happen after they go to the park and her sister breaks her leg and has to go to the hospital. I recommend this book for people who like an adventure.
  • Little Darlings 409 pages

    This book is about 2 girls Destiny who lives in Manchester and Sunset who lives in a big town in England (they didn’t really say). Sunset’s dad (Danny Kilman) is a famous singer/movie star who is having problems in his courier people say that he is too old now. Destiny’s mum has been saying that she is Danny Kilmans daughter which she doesn’t believe. When Destiny and Sunset meet they become instant friends Throughout this book Destiny and Sunset try to see each other and Destiny’s mother is
  • Midnight

  • it's not like I planned it this way- 5 books

    Alice is in sophomore year and there are a lot of changes that are happening. Her mother died of leukemia when she was about 4. Her dad is marring her junior teacher Sylvia. Her brother Lester moved out of home and now she is an only child at home. She goes on a holiday with her friends Pamela and Elizabeth. They go to a park and speak to a future teller and she says that someone close to her will die. Later that month her friend Molly is given leukemia Alice thought she was going to die. Her
  • Give me four reasons

  • Scat- 2 books

    Scat is about a teacher called Mrs. Starch who goes missing when they go on a school trip. Nick is one of Mrs. Starch students and when she goes missing Nick goes to her house to try find her. When he gets he breaks in and a guy named Twilly takes him to see Mrs. Starch. She is in the middle of the forest holding a baby panther (rare). Sadly where Mrs. Starch is staying a company is trying to drill for oil but they drill there because the panther lives there. When the drilling company goes
  • The Werepuppy

    The Werepuppy
    This book is about a boy named Mickey who has 3 older sisters and 1 younger. One night his parents go out for dinner and Mickey and his siters get a werewolf movie to watch. Mickey is scared now after watching that. He is now scared of dogs. One day his mother decides to buy him a pet dog. He gets the most vicois dog there is becaus iy bit it sister and he doesnt like his sister. This dog helps him get over his fear.
  • A winters day in 1939

    A winters day in 1939
    This book is about a boy named Adam. His country gets invaded by Germans. They get put on trains for days on end. Adam see things he should at his age such as people dying and getting really ill. His mother dyes and his father and brother leave to fight in the war. His only friend leaves to train for the war and she dyes. All Adam has left is his little sister Zofia.
  • Clean Break

    This book is about a girl named Em. She has one brother and one sister. Her step dad is cheating on her mum but Em only finds out until Christmas. Were Em finds her dad talking to a girl named Sarah. Ems gran hates her dad and Em is the opposite. Her gran wont let Em or her brother and sister see him again. Em goes to get her books signed by a famous writer when she sees her dad and runs too him. She trips and breaks her arm. Her dad insits taking her to the hospitial but will her gran let him.
  • 26 Story Tree House

    This book is about a guy named Terry and he is telling a story about how he meet his friend and how he made his tree house.